On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 19:19:28 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:
> >> The Army and the Navy wanted equal treatment, so calling the
> >> merged dept. War (understood as Army's) would've been a slight to the
> Navy.
> >So rather than think up another name like military or just slight the
> >navy a little they use a misleading name?  I think more likely it had
> >nothing to do with slighting the navy,
> I'm not making this up.  Some wanted to call it the War Dept., but the Navy
> really took that idea as a slight.

They probably did.  My point is the reason they finally decided on
defense was most likely nothing to do with the navys feelings being
hurt, but mmore to do with propaganda.  The Navy is not a bunch of
pansies and am sure would have recovered just fine.

> >Rent and control are two words with meaning before the government
> >started using them.
> Then why do you complain when I give you a MORE SPECIFIC answer than you're
> expecting?  You use the term "rent control", I took it you were using it
> the standard way New Yorkers do, but just to be on the safe side I also
> mentioned rent stabilization.  And it bothers you that I reference those 2
> statutes separately?

No.  It bothers me that you think it is progress because they call it
rent stabilization rather than rent control.

> >And
> >social security is an income tax as well.  Again you are using
> >governemnt classifications to mask the true nature of things.
> I'm using the words the standard ways they're discussed, putting in greater
> specificity, and you're complaining again?!  You mentioned federal income
> tax, I gave an answer about what's usually referred to as the income tax,
> and then to be safe mentioned Social Security also, and you're once again
> complaining that I reference separate gov't enactments separately?!

Becuase you are seperating SS form income tax and saying, oh look
things are getting better if we just look at this.  But it is a
meaningless distinction created by the government.  If you said things
are not getting better because SS is just another form of income tax,
then I would have no problem with you being specific about SS.  You
did not.

> >> There IS a free rental market in NYC, existing alongside the regulated
> one.
> >> The free market keeps getting bigger and the regulated one smaller.
> >> That's not future, that's recent past, thru now.
> >There is not multpile markets for one commodity.  The housing market
> >in NYC is controlled by the government.  Not all rents are controlled
> >but many are and that makes the market NOT FREE.
> Then as long as there's any commerce anywhere that's regulated in any way,
> there's no free market, because all markets are connected, at least
> potentially; so what's the use of discussing something that will never
> exist?  Trying to discuss things with you is awfully difficult, because you
> keep wanting words to have LESS useful meaning.

No.  I want them to have meaning.  You seem to be so quick to accept
government definitions that are always shifting, to support your
arguements.  A market that is controlled by the government is not free
despite what you or the government says.

> Analysts commonly refer to the rent paid for a unit not under regulations
> as a free market rent.  How else would you refer to the rental fee for a
> unit not under regulation?

I have not typically heard of ANY rent in NYC as being refered to as
free market rent.  At least not any credible analyst.  Here is a hint
though... if you are looking for a term for a rent that is not
controlled by the government, the term would be non rent controlled
price.  You can have non rent controlled apts in a controlled market. 
You can not have a controlled apartment in a free market.

> >I propose we strive
> >to elect people that will support things libertarians support.
> And I propose that people stop striving for the unattainable.

There you have it!  You have given up and want others to do the same. 
Do you know the odds of the US revolution succeeding were low. 
Thankfully they did not take your counterpart in histories advice and
stop striving for freedom.  Many thought it would be impossible to
fly.  People still kept striving.  People thought the world was flat. 
people continued against all of society to prove them wrong. 
Regardless of whether it will ever be obtained, we will be better off
striving for it.

Should a basketball team strive for only 50 points because 150 is
unattainable?  And if they get only only 149 they are losers?  Well
yeah they did not reach their goal but they are still way better off
than the tteam that strove for 50 and reached their goal.

> >Well a majority of voters wish there was no income tax
> >yet nearly all politicians elected vote against that wish.
> This disconnect between politicians and voters is a figment of your
> imagination.  Just within recent years, some states have adopted
> constitutional amendments by vote of the people to authorize income taxes.
> Conn. is an example.

Once again... 45% OF mass. voted to end their state income tax. 
MASSACHUSETTS!  It is not hard to figure out what the entire US would
say.  Bu5t if you want to beleive otherwise... fine.

> >The problem is that the jumps that you and Republicans seek and
> >occasionally win result in less progress being made at a later date.
> >A good analogy is a person sick in the hospital.  They can wait and
> >gain strength and eventually walk out of the hospital healthy or they
> >can take a few steps torwards the door now and fall down dead.
> That's a good analogy, but not in the way you think!  Obviously the patient
> stepping toward the door was ATTEMPTING TO LEAVE, but doing so TOO SOON!
> Too much, too soon.  Somehow you came up with an analogy whose lesson is
> the OPPOSITE of the one you wanted.  Doesn't that tell you something?

Yeah, do not settle for half ass solutions to serious problems.  In
the end you get screwed over.

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