*** Forwarded message, originally written by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
12-Oct-04 ***


SomeBackground http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Libertarian/message/23830

"Real debate or no debate," says Arizona party

  October 11, 2004
  For Immediate Release
  Contact: Stephen P. Gordon
  Office: (512) 637-6867
  Cell: (256) 227-8360

Phoenix, AZ - The case has been filed, the orders have been served, and the
hearing has been scheduled. On Tuesday, the Superior Court of Maricopa County
will decide whether or not taxpayer money can be used to present campaign
commercials for favored political parties and their candidates.

At issue is the exclusion of Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian Party's
presidential candidate, from a Wednesday event at Arizona State University in

"The media refers to this event as a 'debate,'" says Stephen Gordon, Badnarik's
communications director. "But there are three candidates on the ballot in
Arizona, and the University, in collusion with an allegedly non-partisan,
allegedly non-profit organization, is spending about $2 million to publicize the
views of only two of them."

Arizona Libertarians filed suit to stop the event on October 1, claiming that
the state Constitution prohibits donations of taxpayer money to corporations
like the Commission on Presidential debates. "If all of the candidates were
invited, it might be portrayed as an educational program," says David Euchner,
the Tucson attorney pressing the Libertarians' case. "When legitimate candidates
whose names will appear on the Arizona ballot are excluded, the only word for it
is 'campaign commercial.'"

Early Friday, Judge Pendleton Gaines issued an Order to Show Cause, which
Euchner caused to be served on the defendants, Arizona State University and the
Commission on Presidential Debates. CPD personnel attempted to evade and resist
service - Michael Badnarik himself was arrested in St. Louis while attempting to
serve the papers - but copies were left at their headquarters and affidavits
supporting the attempt at service have been filed. A hearing has been scheduled
for 9 a.m. on Tuesday in the Superior C
ourt of Maricopa County.

Case Number CV2004-019089 is scheduled to be heard at 9:00AM, October 12, 2004
in Room 814 of the East Court Building of the Maricopa County (Arizona) Superior
Court. The hearing is scheduled to be no longer than one hour, with one half
hour allotted for each side to make their arguments.

Badnarik, along with George W. Bush and John F. Kerry, will be on Arizonans'
ballots on November 2nd as a presidential choice. His name also appears on the
ballot in 47 other states and the District of Columbia.


at http://badnarik.org/newsfromthetrail.php?p=1360  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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------Forwarded message------
UPDATE: 2004/10/12 02:30 PM CT:

The Arizona Libertarian Party and co-plaintiff Warren Severin were
represented by attorney David Euchner.

Arizona State University was represented by Carrie Brennan of the
Attorney General's office.

Commission on Presidential Debates was represented by Glen Hallman of
the firm of Gallagher & Kennedy, physically in court, as well as Lewis
Loss, General Counsel for the CPD by phone.

The judge started by ruling that the service was sufficient for
purpose of notice of this hearing. Then, each side was given 30
minutes to argue the issue.

Euchner reserved 15 minutes of his argument for rebuttal, and argued
the case based on the violation of Arizona's Constitution, Art. 9,
Sec. 7, which prohibit gifts to private entities. He presented
additional arguments based on the 1st Amendment, the 14th Amendment
equal protection clause, and case law which was on point.

Carrie Brennan argued the doctrine of latches (that the delay in
bringing this suit worked an unfairness against the defendants). She
further argued that the funding was provided by private parties, that
there is great value to the University in hosting this, and that case
law provides that such expenditures are allowed as long as they are
not excessive or unreasonable.

Finally, she stated that there is an adequate remedy for any
violations of the constitutional gift clause, therefore injunction is
not appropriate.

Glen Hallman argued that Libertarians are not a special protected
class, thus only a rational basis test applies to the equal protection
argument, and using that test, the Libertarians were not discriminated

Lewis Loss argued that the CPD is non-partisan, and that Bush & Kerry
would not proceed if Badnarik were admitted to the debate.

Euchner then rebutted, arguing that nobody remembers the location of
the debates, and thus there is no value to the University in this
expenditure, in other words, it is a gift to these two parties. As an
example, Euchner argued that the only way debates are even remembered
for any time is if they are parodied, such as on Saturday Night Live,
and the rerun repeatedly. Further, even with a rational basis test on
the equal protection clause, the judge should find for the
Libertarians, because the discrimination is so blatant.

At the conclusion of the arguement, the judge issued his ruling from the bench:

1. No restraining order, because of the doctrine of latches, and that
there appears to be sufficient public purpose for this debate.

2. The Plaintiffs may continue to pursue damages for any violations of
the constitutional provisions.

In summary, we couldn't stop the debates or get Badnarik in, but we
may still be able to hold them accountable through damages.
------End of forwarded message------

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