Good evening again Gordon!

Gordon Wilmoth wrote, in response to Ted's latest release...

> Good Job!

Maybe an acelade not necessarily fitting in this case. Here's why:

Ted Dunlap wrote:

> Idaho strikes many of us as a libertarian stronghold
> a culture of self-reliance and personal responsibility
> cumulatively, there have been over 1,400 Idaho lp members
> personality issues and organizational problems have held us back
> we currently have just over 100 dues-paying members

Well. Here's a great start. Why just over 100 dues-paying members?
It's very difficult to claim success when you admit there are only
slightly ore than 100 dues-paying members statewide, when just two
years ago we gained 'Primary Election ballot access' for the first
time in Idaho history!

Truth is:  Ted disenfranchised a lot of libertarian minded people
during the course of his tenure as State Chair... and that loss has
been phenomenal!  Let's check out Ted's record...

Ted writes, in part:

> today we have an intelligent and dedicated core of leaders

This is bullshit and he knows that fact more than anyone else around
here... The former Vice Chair and Secretary bolted. The Region I Chair
has been refuted and as of this moment there is NO Region I Chair
active throughout most of the area outside of Ted's influence.

> Our activists now are taking the lead in getting us into fair
> booths,
> making presentations at schools

I think we need a giant pause here.

Ted fails to inform everyone that I'm doing that too, but the problem
is that I am the ONLY one left in Region I addressing high school
students up here.  On Wednesday, I'll be addressing the Priest River
High School government students. I've been doing such things a while

Ted fails also to point out that he was a former, although disrantled
outcast from the GOP elsewhere that made his way into Idaho politics,
while managing to crawl into the LP of Idaho as an activist with
rather unconfirmed and unconfirmed 'credentials'.  

> Libertarians today aren’t an embarrassment, we are a positive
> example
> of real patriotism

I think a lot of honest individuals do need t ask some serious
questions here. This is the same Ted Dunlap than managed the greatest
fiasco to Libertarian growth and leadership in Idaho during the last
two years!  I'll get into that shortly below:

Ted writes:
> I have a dream that we can reach and embrace those Idaho
> libertarians.

Here folks is the result of this issue:  Ted inherited at lot of
talented 'libertarians' throughout the entire State!  In 2002 we were
on the verge of becoming the cutting edge of fielding over 50
candidates for public office throughout the state. Think about this
for a moment.  Today, we are reduced to six (6) statewide candidates
in 2004 during the course of this same leadership!

So my question here is somewhat relevant. Why is Ted suddenly reaching
out Idaho Libertarians when during his tenure in office he has managed
to disenfranchise and loose so much of us who have been working in
this Party for years to accomplish the same goals and objectives?

> Today the Idaho LP activists are busy.

So, that's nice, isn't it?  50 candidates bolted and went elsewhere,
and are supporting 'liberty' in other venues, while Ted insists his
click of individuals are 'busy'!  Doing what?

They're not on the ballot on November 2.  What are the fair booths all
about if we continue to fail to field viable candidates for local and
State offices throughout Idaho?

> We need more energy.

This is a sick joke.  We had tremendous energy, with 50 candidates
just two short years ago!  These guys packed up and left under Ted's
non leadership.  Just two short years ago we had Primary Election
ballot access across the entire State.  That's gone too.

> I have developed a reputation in our circle for passing the buck
> right back to where it came from.

Well then great!  Why not explain how this huge fiasco occurred in
Idaho under 'YOUR' leadership? Why did the former Vice Chair, Region I
Chair, and everyone else abandon the LP of Idaho during the course of
your tenure? Why am I the only LP of Idaho Candidate running up here,
and why do I not receive one damn merit of support for running my
campaign under the Libertarian Party ticket from this State Party, and
under your non leadership?

> When people come to me with an idea, as often as not, they leave
> with the authority and responsibility to make it happen.

Sorry Ted. It doesn't work that way. You are the State Chair,
rightfully or wrongly. You assume the responsibility for the Party's
efforts in all political races. That's the State Party's job, or at
least, it ought to be the State Party's job to support it's own
candidates for public office.

It's past time for YOU to step down and allow this Party to proceed
toward success in Idaho rather than promote your own selective visions
of what has so far proven to be a giant disaster and leadership fiasco
in all the efforts that so many people have sacrificed long and hard

I guess that comes back somehow to YOU Gordon.  I'm fighting in a real
election this time, and the State Chair chooses to ask for bull shit
like county fair booths as being particularly important.  We need
good, hard charging candidates for public office, and the so-called
county fair booths ought to be a product of that!

Ted's non leadership and inadequacies has led to the destruction of
the Libertarian Party of Idaho during his tenure of office and I
believe that the resultant affect of that has been the loss of much of
this State's great gains just two short years ago.

Which is why I call this release by a self-appointed Chair of our
Party as a giant disgrace.  I wish it were not so.

Kindest regards,

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