Here is an article by Jay P. Hailey which first appeared in the newsgroup
used_kharma.politics which bears some careful thought...

On Sunday 07 November 2004 10:34 am, Jay P Hailey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
opened up a large can of worms and wrote in used_kharma.politics:

> The Death of a Libertarian
> By Jay P Hailey
> Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and
> deserve to get it good and hard. - H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
> Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere,
> diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx
> Political tags -- such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist,
> fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth -- are never basic criteria.
> The human race divides politically into those who want people to be
> controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists
> acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number.
> The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But
> they are more
> comfortable neighbors than the other sort.  - Robert A Heinlein
> Barbarian invasions would be superfluous: we are our own Huns. - Bertrand
> de Jouvenal
> "American pulled its trousers down, bent over, spread its cheeks, and
> whimpered, 'Please, sir, may I have another?' " - Rylla Smith
> "Somewhere around 400,000 Americans will fairly consistently cast their
> votes for a Libertarian Presidential candidate....  It doesn't seem to
> matter so much what sort of candidate the LP runs, at least at the higher
> levels. Whether it's a buttoned-down corporate attorney such as David
> Bergland, a loaner from the GOP such as Ron Paul, a 'pragmatist' such as
> Andre Marrou or a 'purist' such as Badnarik, the results are pretty much
> the same in every cycle" - Scott Beiser
> On November 3, I learned a harsh lesson.  It went down hard, like
> swallowing
> a bone.  But there is no getting around it.
> I used to be an anarchist.  I thought that humans are perfectly capable of
> creating ad hoc social organizations to handle their needs.
> A friend of mine once said "Under what conditions would this work?"
> I answered "Well, the Majority of people in this system would have to
> understand it and want it to work."
> My friend nodded. "Okay.  What system wouldn't work under those
> conditions?"
> My conceptions changed.  I felt that the idea that people didn't need any
> interference needed a frame work, and a mechanism for dealing with that
> minority of people too selfish, stupid and anti-social to behave right.
> In time I learned why I felt this way.  It strikes me as intrinsically
> right
> and correct that each person is his own property.  It strikes me as
> intrinsically true and right that each person owns the fruits of his labor
> and time.
> It also struck me as true and right that each person is the best arbiter
> of
> his own interest.  That, given clear enough information about his
> position, any given person would choose the right and constructive choice.
> This last week sixty million people (Give or take) proved me wrong.
> With evidence of lies, brutality and mass murder in their face, sixty
> million people voted to leave a lying murderer in office, condemning more
> human beings to needless death.
> Sixty million Americans looked at sixty million different transparent,
> obvious lies and manipulations and geeked for them rather than surrender
> their safety blanket.
> I have always maintained that you can either trust people to handle their
> own affairs, or you're a fascist. If people are too stupid to handle their
> own affairs they'll find a dictator to tell them what to do.  If you
> support finding, promoting or electing a dictator to make sure the stupid
> people behave, then that's dictatorship, tyranny, fascism.
> In the words of William Shatner "I can't get behind that!"
> But...  Sixty million people...  They just did it.
> Liberty won't work.  People are too scared, too ignorant, or maybe just
> too stupid.
> A system that demands that you find or create your own solutions to your
> problems isn't ever going to fly.
> These people will vote for any tyrant who happens along just so long as he
> can be spun as being "Strong Enough" to keep them "Safe"
> I love the idea of Liberty.  I love the idea of Freedom.  I must concede
> now that in this day and age these are not real living conditions, but
> ideas. Fantasies of what might be.
> And these fantasies will never happen for these American people.
> I like Scott Beiser's idea of trying to promote a Liberty culture, a
> culture of Freedom.
> I hope I can add something to that.  Sadly I suspect it's a fantasy.
> I must find a philosophy that reflects these truths.  The only one that I
> can think of is a small "a" anarchist.  Screw 'em, to hell with them all.
> If the lemmings want to jump off the cliff, let 'em.  I will leave free in
> my heart, and as well as I can in an insane world.
> This world's civilization, a sad, twisted, almost stillborn effort,
> riddled with its own birth defects and wallowing in awful crimes, but
> somehow trying
> to rise above itself... it's doomed.  It's heading over a cliff, pulled by
> sixty million people who said "I don't care what the papers say about the
> WMDs, He makes me feel safer."
> Are there dark ages coming?  What will rise after?  I don't know.
> I am pretty sure it will be characterized mainly by people who look to a
> "Big Man" in a big seat in an opulent office somewhere to protect them
> from things they ought to be taking care of themselves.
> The evidence is plain.  Someone had a tagline that I can paraphrase "When
> an honest man finds himself mistaken, he either chooses to stop being one
> or stop being the other."
> The vast majority of people don't want to be free.  They probably won't
> ever be.
> Is there a spot of light in this?  I don't know.  I know there's a
> consistent minority of people who sound like Tom Paine, Samuel Adams or L.
> Neil Smith.
> What does that mean?  What does it portend for the future?
> Probably not much. I like 'em anyway.
> L. Neil Smith points out that in 2008 there will probably be a lot of
> hysteria about "anyone but Hillary"
> But it will be bullshit.  Hell it already is.  All I know is that it'll
> look about the same as it did this time and some tens of millions of
> people will stick their heads on the sand and wail about how things aren't
> getting any better.
> No, I am wrong.  Like the 1996 and 2000 elections, 2008 will be more of
> the
> same but incrementally worse.  2012 will be worse still, but it'll be all
> part of the same deal we've been watching forever.
> I am bailing out of politics as a watcher and a thinker.  It's too insane
> and the large majority of people involved are too stupid.  It makes me
> crazy for no good reason.
> Time to start charting my own course and living free inside. Well, no I
> have
> been doing this as well as I can already.  It's time to cut myself loose
> from this particular patch of dirt and this particular batch of angry
> monkeys.  They don't matter any more.  If they ever did.

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