Freedom and Morality: A Response to the Prof

By Jude Blanchette  Published   11/05/2004

For the past fifty years or so, the standard conservative argument against 
libertarianism has been this: it is a nihilistic, hedonistic philosophy that 
supposedly holds everyman as an island, free to pursue all sorts of deviant 
behavior so long as it's voluntary. To be "free" is to break away from the 
societal shackles of morality, tradition, and God. Libertarians, 
conservatives say, are naïve -- they believe man is inherently good, and 
therefore, no restraints on humanity are needed.

And so as both a Catholic and a libertarian, I admit that I'm not surprised 
by Prof. Bainbridge's recent TCS article, Law and Morality in America. It 
contains the same caricature of the libertarian philosophy that many 
conservatives have proffered over the last few decades. And like most of 
these "critiques," it contains only a germ of truth. There is not enough 
space here for a detailed rebuttal, but I would like to challenge several 

No doubt there exist libertarians who endorse the above sketch of 
libertarianism. Just as there are conservatives who are pro-choice and 
pro-drug legalization; doctrinal differences exist within any group of 
free-thinking individuals. Yet most libertarians I have contact with hold a 
deep reverence for what Russell Kirk called "the permanent things," as well 
as a pronounced faith in God. In this sense, there are many similarities 
between libertarians and conservatives. The difference is that 
libertarianism resides only in the realm of political philosophy: it holds 
that the individual should remain at liberty to pursue his subjectively 
defined goals with as little government coercion as possible.  Notice this 
does not mean that he is free to do anything he pleases. Society does and 
should exert pressures on the individual to conform to a moral and cultural 

Prof. Bainbridge accuses libertarians of holding a "radical individual 
autonomy." Again, this is a very old and specious critique of 
libertarianism. Many libertarians do refer to themselves as 
"individualists," I think in part because they assumed their readers would 
have the imagination to understand what it was they meant. The term was 
fostered and used during a time when citizens had no individual worth and 
were prized only inasmuch as they satisfied the goals of the State. 
"Individualists" are not hermits, but men and women who refuse to be lumped 
together into a government-sanctioned collective. Societies, communities, 
neighborhoods and families thrive when free from government compulsion. To 
grant a political degree of autonomy is to allow the individual to expand 
his or her social relations.

I would imagine that Prof. Bainbridge accepts there should be limits to the 
government's ability to legislate morality. Does he believe a man should be 
jailed for having, ceterus paribus, an extra-marital affair? Probably not, 
and the reason isn't because he endorses this immoral behavior; rather he 
understands that these are matters for which government involvement is 
unwise and, indeed, unwarranted. The libertarian would agree and go a step 
farther: the government should refrain from legislating morality, not 
because an objective morality doesn't exist, but because morality thrives in 
a free society. Furthermore, my Catholicism (and in that sense, my moral 
underpinning) is ultimately a relationship between myself and God. The 
foundation for good governance is not the extent to which it makes the 
American public conform to the belief system of certain elected officials, 
but its ability to allow citizens to peacefully and freely pursue their 
goals. The government intervenes, not when citizens are immoral per se, but 
when they violate the peaceful actions of others.

Prof. Bainbridge writes: "Most libertarians refuse to accept the proposition 
that law can and should be based on moral principles derived from natural 
law." Again, there are libertarians (the contractarians, for example) who 
deny the legitimacy of natural rights as a basis for constitutional 
government, but there are just as many who find the only role for a 
government is to protect our property rights which stem from the natural 
law. In this sense, libertarians agree that a government is to enforce 
certain moral codes (thou shall not kill), but not that it should enforce 
all moral codes. Beyond the protection of property rights, government 
endangers the free society that allows morality to thrive.

I would agree with Prof. Bainbridge's point that most Americans disagree 
with libertarians over the issue of morality. However, this is not because 
libertarians, in general, hold an alternative set of beliefs about what is 
right and what is wrong. Instead, what separates libertarians is their 
understanding of the nature and function of a government. By granting 
extensive powers to a government we happen to agree with to enforce a given 
moral code, we also give these powers to a government in the future that we 
may not like.

I welcome a healthy dialogue over the principles of libertarianism, but for 
too long, conservative critics have reissued the same arguments, apparently 
not bothering to read the countless responses by libertarians.

The author is Research Fellow, Foundation for Economic Education

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