Good evening again, Jay!

Jay P Hailey wrote in response to Bill Anderson...

> Apparently the American People scare the Authortarians blue.
> Good.

Don't know exactly how to respond to this.  For one thing, I
haven't seen much evidence that Americans are bolting the two
main-stream parties, and joining us in the election booth.

I wish that where happening; I wish we didn't have the bring this
struggle for liberty into the revolution mode... even that, it
seems to me to be a giant misnowmer of what we are all about

The "Authoritarians" are alive and well.  I doubt also that the
American people, as such` will change the political landscape
very much.

I'm not sure how you want to progress with this thread.  All I
can say from the front lines, is that I have tried, and failed,
misserably to bring a large enough segment of "America", in north
Idaho, to seriously question the "Authoritarians".

Seems to me that the "authoritarians" are still very much in
charge of Boundary County, Idaho.  The heart and soul of north
Idaho gives Libertarians about 6% percent of the vote!  Doesn't
appear we are exactly winning on a grand scale, now does it?

Kindest regards,

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