Good evening again, Lowell!

Lowell C. Savage wrote to Frank Reichert...

> Here's a photo album/slide show from Fallujah.  (I wouldn't view it on a
> full stomach--or right before eating, however--especially starting at slide
> 32.)

What's the use? Real questions are: What the hell are we doing in
Iraq in the first place?  Why are we doing all of this?  Why are
our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, dying for a cause that I
doubt they could even explain, if even given the opportunity to
do so?  Of course, the military indoctrators tell 'em, "Your
doing this for the 'homeland' -- remember 9-11?..."

Well, get a grip Lowell.  What would YOU do if American hospitals
were filling up with civilian casualties, and the Iraqi
government, and there gestapo storm troopers were in charge of
regime change in the U.S.?

Don't know about you Lowell, but as an America who gives a damn
about our own country, culture, and principles, I would likely be
looking for ways to build or aquire pipe bombs, find
rocket-propelled granades and launchers, to kill, wound and
disrupt as many of the aggressive bastards as I possibly could!

Warmest regards,

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