On 08-Dec-04, Jay P Hailey wrote:

 s>> To tie this in with the natl sales tax discussion, this country got
 s>> along fine for 150+ years with NO sales or income taxes. Tariffs brought
 s>> in more than enough to run the country AND protected our businesses from
 s>> cheap foreign products.

 s>> Just my $.02

 JPH> Our business don't need to be protected.  If they can't compete they
 JPH> should be doing something else, which many of them do.

Do you realize that this is almost an exact quote of Hillary, when told that
many businesses couldn't afford her single-payer health care plan?

 JPH> Making the world safe for American Businesses is called Mercantilism
 JPH> and it's one of the leading causes of this country moving away from
 JPH> it's libertarian roots.

Excuse me, Jay?!?  Funding the federal govt through tariffs WAS the plan
devised by the founders.

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