Homeless Iraq vets showing up at shelters

By Mark Benjamin

Washington, DC, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- U.S. veterans from the war in Iraq are 
beginning to show up at homeless shelters around the country, and advocates 
fear they are the leading edge of a new generation of homeless vets not seen 
since the Vietnam era.

"When we already have people from Iraq on the streets, my God," said Linda 
Boone, executive director of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. 
"I have talked to enough (shelters) to know we are getting them. It is 
happening and this nation is not prepared for that."

"I drove off in my truck. I packed my stuff. I lived out of my truck for a 
while," Seabees Petty Officer Luis Arellano, 34, said in a telephone 
interview from a homeless shelter near March Air Force Base in California 
run by U.S.VETS, the largest organization in the country dedicated to 
helping homeless veterans.

Arellano said he lived out of his truck on and off for three months after 
returning from Iraq in September 2003. "One day you have a home and the next 
day you are on the streets," he said.

In Iraq, shrapnel nearly severed his left thumb. He still has trouble moving 
it and shrapnel "still comes out once in a while," Arellano said. He is left 

Arellano said he felt pushed out of the military too quickly after getting 
back from Iraq without medical attention he needed for his hand -- and as he 
would later learn, his mind.

"It was more of a rush. They put us in a warehouse for a while. They treated 
us like cattle," Arellano said about how the military treated him on his 
return to the United States.

"It is all about numbers. Instead of getting quality care, they were trying 
to get everybody demobilized during a certain time frame. If you had a 
problem, they said, 'Let the (Department of Veterans Affairs) take care of 

The Pentagon has acknowledged some early problems and delays in treating 
soldiers returning from Iraq but says the situation has been fixed.

A gunner's mate for 16 years, Arellano said he adjusted after serving in the 
first Gulf War. But after returning from Iraq, depression drove him to leave 
his job at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. He got 

He said that after being quickly pushed out of the military, he could not 
get help from the VA because of long delays.

"I felt, as well as others (that the military said) 'We can't take care of 
you on active duty.' We had to sign an agreement that we would follow up 
with the VA," said Arellano.

"When we got there, the VA was totally full. They said, 'We'll call you.' 
But I developed depression."

He left his job and wandered for three months, sometimes living in his 

Nearly 300,000 veterans are homeless on any given night, and almost half 
served during the Vietnam era, according to the Homeless Veterans coalition, 
a consortium of community-based homeless-veteran service providers. While 
some experts have questioned the degree to which mental trauma from combat 
causes homelessness, a large number of veterans live with the long-term 
effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse, according to 
the coalition.

Some homeless-veteran advocates fear that similar combat experiences in 
Vietnam and Iraq mean that these first few homeless veterans from Iraq are 
the crest of a wave.

"This is what happened with the Vietnam vets. I went to Vietnam," said John 
Keaveney, chief operating officer of New Directions, a shelter and 
drug-and-alcohol treatment program for veterans in Los Angeles. That city 
has an estimated 27,000 homeless veterans, the largest such population in 
the nation. "It is like watching history being repeated," Keaveney said.

Data from the Department of Veterans Affairs shows that as of last July, 
nearly 28,000 veterans from Iraq sought health care from the VA. One out of 
every five was diagnosed with a mental disorder, according to the VA. An 
Army study in the New England Journal of Medicine in July showed that 17 
percent of service members returning from Iraq met screening criteria for 
major depression, generalized anxiety disorder or PTSD.

Asked whether he might have PTSD, Arrellano, the Seabees petty officer who 
lived out of his truck, said: "I think I do, because I get nightmares. I 
still remember one of the guys who was killed." He said he gets $100 a month 
from the government for the wound to his hand.

Lance Cpl. James Claybon Brown Jr., 23, is staying at a shelter run by 
U.S.VETS in Los Angeles. He fought in Iraq for 6 months with Alpha Company, 
1st Battalion, 2nd Marines and later in Afghanistan with another unit. He 
said the fighting in Iraq was sometimes intense.

"We were pretty much all over the place," Brown said. "It was really heavy 
gunfire, supported by mortar and tanks, the whole nine (yards)."

Brown acknowledged the mental stress of war, particularly after Marines 
inadvertently killed civilians at road blocks. He thinks his belief in God 
helped him come home with a sound mind.

"We had a few situations where, I guess, people were trying to get out of 
the country. They would come right at us and they would not stop," Brown 
said. "We had to open fire on them. It was really tough. A lot of soldiers, 
like me, had trouble with that."

"That was the hardest part," Brown said. "Not only were there men, but there 
were women and children -- really little children. There would be babies 
with arms blown off. It was something hard to live with."

Brown said he got an honorable discharge with a good conduct medal from the 
Marines in July and went home to Dayton, Ohio. But he soon drifted west to 
California "pretty much to start over," he said.

Brown said his experience with the VA was positive, but he has struggled to 
find work and is staying with U.S.VETS to save money. He said he might go 
back to school.

Advocates said seeing homeless veterans from Iraq should cause alarm. Around 
one-fourth of all homeless Americans are veterans, and more than 75 percent 
of them have some sort of mental or substance abuse problem, often PTSD, 
according to the Homeless Veterans coalition.

More troubling, experts said, is that mental problems are emerging as a 
major casualty cluster, particularly from the war in Iraq where the enemy is 
basically everywhere and blends in with the civilian population, and death 
can come from any direction at any time.

Interviews and visits to homeless shelters around the Unites States show the 
number of homeless veterans from Iraq or Afghanistan so far is limited. Of 
the last 7,500 homeless veterans served by the VA, 50 had served in Iraq. 
Keaveney, from New Directions in West Los Angeles, said he is treating two 
homeless veterans from the Army's elite Ranger battalion at his location. 
U.S.VETS, the largest organization in the country dedicated to helping 
homeless veterans, found nine veterans from Iraq or Afghanistan in a quick 
survey of nine shelters. Others, like the Maryland Center for Veterans 
Education and Training in Baltimore, said they do not currently have any 
veterans from Iraq or Afghanistan in their 170 beds set aside for emergency 
or transitional housing.

Peter Dougherty, director of Homeless Veterans Programs at the VA, said 
services for veterans at risk of becoming homeless have improved 
exponentially since the Vietnam era. Over the past 30 years, the VA has 
expanded from 170 hospitals, adding 850 clinics and 206 veteran centers with 
an increasing emphasis on mental health. The VA also supports around 300 
homeless veteran centers like the ones run by U.S.VETS, a partially 
non-profit organization.

"You probably have close to 10 times the access points for service than you 
did 30 years ago," Dougherty said. "We may be catching a lot of these folks 
who are coming back with mental illness or substance abuse" before they 
become homeless in the first place. Dougherty said the VA serves around 
100,000 homeless veterans each year.

But Boone's group says that nearly 500,000 veterans are homeless at some 
point in any given year, so the VA is only serving 20 percent of them.

Roslyn Hannibal-Booker, director of development at the Maryland veterans 
center in Baltimore, said her organization has begun to get inquiries from 
veterans from Iraq and their worried families. "We are preparing for Iraq," 
Hannibal-Booker said.

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