On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 18:16 -0800, Frank Reichert wrote:

> The issue at hand therefore, and one in which Bill Anderson and I
> have been discussing, centres around who is the Represents a
> particular individual, not who Represents a particular State, or
> country.

No, again it does not. It centers around whether or nto your
Representative is your Representative. Whether s/he represents *your
views, beliefs,  and preferences is irrelevant. That elected person is
your Representative.

>  Every individual makes either a tacit or voluntary
> choice whether or not a political office holder represents them
> or not.  Bill strongly suggests that I am somehow bound to
> acknowledge that even a Representative, or in your case, this
> President that I strongly oppose, is my Representative.

Well I won't go with the President one, as s/he is not elected to be a
Representative. But yes, whether or not I opposed, say Andreasson as my
State Senator is irrelevant to the fact that he is. He represents me,
though clearly not my views. Personally, I don't see what is so hard to
understand about that. When my wife attends a parent teacher conference,
she represents me, she is my representative, though she may or may not
represent my views and beliefs (indeed we do not always agree -- I got
that in the "marriage contract" *lol*)

> If you believe that Bill's argument here is the correct one, then
> this certainly implies that individuals are the victims of
> coersion and force, a have no right to choose for themselves who
> represents them, their issues, convictions and position on
> various matters.

Incorrect. You are conducting a logical fallacy (of composition, IIRC)
by lumping those together. Those are not all synonymous, nor mutually
dependent. As I've said before, even when I run, I don't like all the
views of the candidate I vote for. Thus nobody can meet all those
requirements, if indeed they were such.


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