Good morning, everyone...

I couldn't help but sit here in the early-morning darkness feeling the
impact of old memories, some of which have been mentioned earlier. This is
my "quiet time" and, as such, old memories and reflection, itself, are the
order of the new day.

Each day, I rise about 3:30 in the morning out of necessity, or at least
that is what I tell myself and my family, because I am responsible for a
number of Linux-based servers that, each morning about 4:02 AM PST, tell
me via e-mail what business they have done in the previous 24 hours. If
the previous day was busy and brisk, there is a lot of tedious reading of
log files to do; if the previous day was slack and lackluster, I get to
spend a fair amount of quiet time which I would otherwise never have, to
contemplate, to write, or perhaps simply to otherwise be creative within
the confines of my life. 

Someone just mentioned holding a meeting of like-minded spirits, and my
memories immediately flashed to approximately 1989, when I first met Frank
Reichert for what I had termed "A Gathering", always held at the Pancake
House on West Francis here in Spokane. Those meetings continued for nearly
two years, more or less once or twice a month, although in some cases we
met more often. John King, Roger Erdman, Frank and various other
luminaries all showed up to discuss everything under the sun, but despite
the variations in political outlooks, no one ever was uncivil. In fact,
speaking for myself, those discussions were some of the finest moments in
my life, for I felt surrounded by friends and the vast world of ideology.
I felt then, as now, that so long as I have friends such as these, despite
what the government hands out of their vacuous state mandates, we will
always be free men and women. 

In retrospect, I spent nearly $10,000 in legal fees this year to pay for
the justice for Roger Erdman's family that the government denied them,
thus concluding the debt. I broke every law in the book to get at the
truth, and eventually lost a few good friends in the process, including a
few good cops I thought were friends for life. Boy, was I misled! At least
I can now slope toward the rest of my life, and can face myself in the
mirror of life and say I did my very best for justice in the fact of what
turned out to be very dangerous and tedious events. 

One of the primary reasons late in 2004 I began setting the stage for
Liberty Northwest (spk.liberty_nw) to be carried back to Usenet, where it
belonged always, was out of respect for those many friends, through good
times and bad, who have always stood by what they believe, for if we do
not have belief, regardless of what that represents to each of us, we are
merely hollow empty shells, are we not? 

It has taken me nearly two months this year to really get things to
working between The Kharma Lot, the spk.* news hierarchy and the Usenet
backbone, and although I have repeatedly run into roadblocks, our
connection to the world Usenet news servers seems to be working fine, at
last. <wry grin> I check every day or two just to make certain it's still
functional. However, not *all* news servers carry the once-vibrant spk.*
news hierachy, no more than they carry the quasi-legal used_kharma
hierarchy. However, those news servers who *do* carry newsgroups outside
the Big 8 carry them both. 

Of course, you know what *this* Usenet exposure means, don't you? All of
us that use our true e-mail address and righteous names get constantly
bombarded by lots of those "free offers" from various unrighteous bastards
from around the world. Fortunately I have a database of their IP addresses
linked to a firewall, so I get hardly any SPAM, despite having been on the
Internet for over a decade. I hope they enjoy the silence. 8-) 

The memories of years past, and particularly of this year, come to greet
me in my quiet time each morning, and I reconcile who I try to be with
whom I have become, and increasingly, I am comfortable with what I see.
That, to me, is the test of the New Year, to see if next year at this
time, I will still be able to face the mirror without compromise or
discomfort, and that my friends will still be here, banging on their
keyboards for all they're worth, as conscious acts of freedom in the
presence of a government that neither encourages nor tolerates

It's been a tough year, but here's to hoping everyone else had a good
year, and that God will continue to bless us all with life, humor and the
ability to remain free. 

The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: updated 11/24/2004
Usenet news server : news://
 Fortune Random Thought For the Minute    
Diplomacy is about surviving until the next century.  Politics is about
surviving until Friday afternoon.
                -- Sir Humphrey Appleby
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