Good evening Ben!

Ben Irvin wrote wrote to everyone...

> I have reason to believe that Phyllis Schatz is in trouble.  I was
> unable to understand
> her conversation in a phone call she just made.  I have notified the
> Silver-Bow
> Sheriff's Department (Butte, Montana) to check out the situation and
> they are to call
> me back as soon as they can locate her.  The medic-team refused to
> talk to me as
> I was not related to her.

I've approved this message for transmission to other restricted lists
in which I moderate just now that you also posted to.

Additionally, I will attempt to call down there myself momentarily. 
If I get any additional information, I will pass it on accordingly. 
Thanks so much for this 'heads up'.

Please do keep us all informed insofar as any additional information
you are able to received!

Frank Reichert

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