Fred Reed - Objective Journalism and Hens Teeth

Objective Journalism And Hen's Teeth

In Search Of The Impossible

January 28, 2005

I get email from people who say they wish that journalists would engage in 
objective coverage of the war in Iraq. They are always indignant and often 
bitter, but they mean opposite things. Those against the war assert that the 
fascist press is slanted in favor. Those in favor assert that the leftist 
press is slanted against. All agree that reporters are reprehensible. I 
wonder whether either group has any idea what it is talking about.

When people say that they want the press to be objective, they usually mean 
that they want reporters to cheerlead for their point of view. They do not 
want objectivity, however imagined, but concurring propaganda. Anything 
else, they believe, is bias.

Most of them seem to lack the sophistication to know that their particular 
prejudices are in fact prejudices. Since whatever they believe seems to them 
obviously true, they regard anything that does not support their cause as 
evidence of depraved indifference to truth or as outright lying. Then they 
attach diabolical motives. A story that does not make the war look 
appetizing demonstrates that the reporter hates America, espouses Marxism, 
and all the other perfervid twaddle that makes reporters wonder whether they 
are not writing for an asylum of bellicose half-wits.

To all of these I say, "Try looking at things as they appear to journalists 
on the ground. Ask yourself how you would cover Iraq. Then tell me what 
"objective" means."

Suppose that you (I continue saying to them) are a reporter somewhere in 
Baghdad with a squad of Marines. An Iraqi family in a car, not knowing the 
patrol is there, turn the corner. The Marines open fire on the car. The 
parents are killed. Their young daughter, splattered with their blood, 
stands screaming in horror. Mommy, though dead, is still moving. Ugly things 
are coming out of her stomach. The girl is ten.

This happens. What do you think automatic weapons do to people? Groom them? 
Being a reporter, you shoot pictures. It's what reporters do: make notes, 
take pictures. Report.

What next? How do you report the-is "occurrence" a suitably neutral 

You have no apolitical choice. People react powerfully to wounded or 
emotionally devastated children, particularly little girls. If you publish 
that picture, it will tend to turn people against the war. Not being stupid, 
you know this perfectly well. On the other hand if you suppress it, you will 
be supporting the war by hiding the truth. You know this too. It's A or B: 
you file the photo or you don't. Which?

The military will want you not to write the story at all. They can't quite 
say so, but will want you to emphasize that the Marines with good reason are 
frightened of car bombs (which is true) and that the killing was an 
accident, and couldn't you leave out the photographs? It was an isolated 
mishap, a colonel will say. The military's PR apparatus will want you to 
write about some Marines somewhere else who repaired a school. Hawks will 
say that the incident was unfortunate, but necessary in pursuit of a greater 
good. War is hell; get over it.

Doves will say that publishing the picture will show people what is really 
happening, that the public has a right to know what its soldiers are in fact 
doing. It wasn't an isolated mishap, they will say (and they will be right). 
So: What do you do?

I would file the story, and the pictures, with no hesitation at all. My job 
as a reporter is not to shill for the war as a volunteer amateur Goebbels, 
nor to play Jane Fonda Goes To Baghdad, but to report what happens. If the 
military doesn't want such incidents reported, it can stop committing them.

Again, suppose that you are trying very hard to be objective, whatever you 
think that means. How do you do it? Reporting of necessity requires that a 
reporter make choices. Any choice constitutes a slant.

Do you write pleasant home-towners-boyish young Marine relaxing in the 
compound and remembering his high-school sweetheart waiting in Roanoke? Do 
you focus on the alert courage of our young men as they patrol the mean 
streets, etc? On the sniper who says he likes to shoot a man in the stomach 
so that his screams will demoralize the enemy, before maybe finishing him 
off? On the Marine with his eyes and half his face gone because of a 
roadside bomb? The twenty-seven Iraqis killed by a car bomb downtown? 
Beheadings? Where do you put your emphasis?

Usually journalists turn against wars. Why? Consult the foregoing paragraph. 
It is not because they are Commies. It is because they are there. After a 
few weeks on the ground, you will find yourself acquiring pronounced 
opinions about things. This is inevitable. No one short of a diagnosable 
psychopath remains emotionally remote.

You have to be very ideologically committed indeed not to be worn down by 
the destruction and ghastliness of it all, by the mutilated kids and 
head-shot snipers' victims, by flies crawling in the mouths of the dead. 
This is especially true of doubtful wars of uncertain provenance and murky 
purpose. Remember that what appears on the screen in Dallas is sanitized, 
adjusted, shaped at corporate to whatever end the networks seek to promote. 
The reporter on the ground sees the exit wounds, the woman's face three days 
gone into decomposition.

Without profound ideological commitment, you will come to loathe the 
military command. This will happen regardless of whether you think the 
particular war necessary. The military lies, and lies, and lies. The flacks 
of the armed services, like any other PR types, do not recognize truth and 
falsehood as legitimate categories, but only positive and negative. They 
will tell you over and over with chirpy optimism things that you know by 
daily observation to be false. Everything is hunky-dory. There may have been 
a minor problem but we've got it licked. It was a precision strike with a 
1000-pound bomb in a residential neighborhood. The people love us because we 
rebuilt fifty schools.

You get sick of it. In Vietnam it was the Five O'clock Follies, the press 
conferences with officers lying about pacification, lying about body counts, 
lying, lying, lying. The spin coming out of Iraq is exactly the same.

How do you juggle all of these things? Unless you are a witting 
propagandist, you will find that the best you can do is report the truth as 
well as you can discover it, as you would want it reported to you if someone 
else were doing it-not let interested parties tell you how to report it, and 
not give a damn who likes it.

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
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