Have you ever seen any other columnist try to understand who we're fighting 
and how they think?


By Gary Brecher

We've been fighting the Shi'ites for months now, and nobody seems to want to
ask the obvious question: who are these loonies, anyway?

Well, for starters, there's that embarrassing name, "Shi'ite." I can't help 
if it reminds me every time I see it of a certain four-letter word. But 
not their fault either. I don't claim to speak Arabic -- my Spanish isn't 
that good -- but from what I've read, in Arabic, "shiat" means something 
"party," as in political party, and "Shi'ite" is short for "Shiat Ali," 
means "the Party of Ali."

Ali was Muhammad's adopted son. He saved the Prophet's life and became his
favorite. Muhammad even gave Ali his favorite daughter, Fatima. But the most
important thing to remember about Ali is -- he lost. And Ali's son Husain,
another loser, was killed in battle charging the Caliph's whole army with a 
friends -- a couple dozen riders against a horde.

To us, that's just stupid. To the Shi'ites, it's glorious. That's what's
hardest for Americans to understand about the Shia: they don't think winning 
everything. It'd be closer to the truth to say that they think losing is
everything, that losing is a sign of being in the right.

The point is, they don't think like us. A whole lot of what's gone wrong in
Iraq comes from thinking that everybody in the world wants to be like us.
That's just plain wrong. Hell, I'm not sure I even want to be like us. And I
know for certain the Shi'ites don't.

We believe in winning. Remember the beginning of Patton, when George C. 
stands up in dress uniform and says, "No son-of-a-bitch ever won a war by 
for his country -- he won it by making some other poor son-of-a-bitch die 
HIS country"? That sounds pretty obvious to us, but it's not the only way 
can think about war.

In fact I'd say Patton (Patton in the movie, not the real Patton) is wrong. 
can kill twenty of the enemy for every guy you lose -- and still lose the 
That's what happened to us in Nam. We made a million or so of them die for
their country, vs. 60,000 of us, and still lost. The British killed dozens 
Kikuyu for every settler or soldier they lost fighting the Mau-Mau, and they
still got run out of Kenya. Body count is the WORST way to figure out who's
winning a guerrilla war.

If the Shi'ites wrote the script for Patton, George C. Scott would get up 
say something like, "Go ahead and kill us -- you'll be sorry!" We're talking
about a martyr culture here, where dying makes you stronger. You know, that
shouldn't be so hard for us to get, because we've got Christ, who won by
losing, by dying. But that was a long time ago, and it's so prettified by 
that Mel Gibson had to make a whole movie to remind people that martyrdom
actually hurts. [picture]

The Shi'ites' martyrs are a lot more recent. Their favorite disaster 
in 680 AD, at the battle of Karbala. Yup, THAT Karbala -- the same city 
we've been fighting Shi'ites for the last few months. Karbala means 
That should tell you something about the way Shi'ites see the world, that 
named one of their holiest cities after something we'd call "clinical
depression." They're not smiley-face optimists. If a Shi'ite coached your 
soccer team, he'd start every practice with a video of the team's biggest
defeat: "Yet again we see Jason missing the goal! Truly we AM/PM Minimart 
Gulps are out of the playoffs forever and a day!"

For the Shi'ites, the battle of Karbala is like Christ's crucifixion and the
Alamo, all rolled into one: a doomed last stand with God on the losers' 
Karbala was a fight over leadership, the kind you get when an empire based 
one man has to deal with that man's death. Muhammad's armies blasted out of 
desert in the early seventh century and ended up in control of most of the
Middle East. When he died, he left a power vacuum like a black hole centered 
Baghdad, the capital of the Islamic world. The winner would become 
"Caliph" --
a pretty cushy job, sort of like Pope and Emperor rolled into one, with 
control over everything, religion and government both.

With that kind of power at stake, the feuding got pretty intense. Ali got
himself assassinated, which was a tradition for Caliphs -- life insurance
salesmen ran from Caliphs like they were motocross riders. His killers, a 
mean clan called the Umayyads grabbed the Caliphate. This is the key moment 
the Shi'ites. The Umayyads won, Ali's family lost. It's time to face facts,
right? You can't argue with success, right?

Wrong. The whole Shia psychology is that you CAN argue with success, and you
DON'T have to face facts. Ali's son, Husain, stayed calm when the Umayyad
killed his dad; he even accepted the first Umayyad Caliph. But when that 
died and the Caliphate went to another Umayyad, Husain realized he had to 
back the Caliphate or die trying. Husain was riding to a rendezvous with 
rebels with only about 30 men guarding him when he found himself facing the
Caliph's whole army near Karbala.

Victory was impossible. Escape was impossible. So Husain did what any
red-blooded boy would do: he charged. And naturally, the Caliph's soldiers 
a Benihana on Husain and his men.

That's the key moment for Shi'ites. The way they see, everything that 
after Husain's martyrdom is sleazy, dirty, worthless. The real world is 
the only good people are the martyrs. In Shia culture, you ain't nobody till
you're dead. The world won't be worth living in until the return of the
"Mahdi," the messiah. (You may remember that Sadr's posse is called the 
Army.") The Shia are the Travis Bickles of Islam: "someday a real rain will
come, to wash the scum off the streets," and if they can help it along with 
car bomb or two, so much the better.

They have a huge death wish, so naturally their holiest places are tombs.
That's why Shi'ites make that pilgrimage to Karbala, to visit the tomb of
Husain. Shi'ites commemorate Husain getting himself sliced and diced for ten
days every year, slashing themselves with knives and bashing themselves with
chains to celebrate that glorious defeat. Ayatollah Khomeini, the biggest
Shi'ite hero of the 20th century, used to preach "Every day is the 
of the battle, and every place is Karbala." The inspirational message was:
wherever you are, go get yourself massacred. What are you doing sitting 
breathing? Why ain't you out there getting slaughtered, you lazy godless 

And these are the people we're picking off one by one, then bragging about 
counts. Still wonder why the war's going so badly?

At the moment, Sadr and the Mahdi-ettes are withdrawing, and Bush's PR guys 
claiming Sadr's going into politics to play nice. You have to wonder if they
really believe that. I hope not; I hope they're not really that dumb.

Any guerrilla war has lulls, slowdowns, little coffee breaks that last a 
a month, sometimes years. It doesn't mean the war's over. The VC used to go
home when it was time to harvest the rice crop; every time they did, the 
PR office would declare that the insurgency was beaten. Sadr and his boys 
going to work us the way you work a can lid: back and forth, over and over,
sheer metal fatigue. They've got a whole new crop of martyrs to worship, and
all they have to do is wait for another policy mistake to outrage all their
followers. One thing you can be sure of, if you're an Iraqi Shiite: outrages
are like buses, there'll always be another one coming along. When it 
they'll get on board, fight us again, lose again, win the propaganda battle
again, and come back a little stronger, with more of the Shi'ite poor on 
side. After a half dozen lost battles, they'll be so strong we'll be glad to
catch the last chopper out of Najaf and let'em martyr each other, instead of
paying hundreds of billions of my tax money to be their Santa-Claus 

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

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