Good morning, Robert...


> Conster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:
>>>morphine, heroin, and cocaine were available at your
>>>local pharmacy, no prescription needed. Drug abuse was a minor problem in
>>>those days.
>>Says who??? Just because it wasn't documented, or maybe it was. But
>>before I see such statements, I would really like to see some numbers.
> How does one document the fact of people NOT having a problem?  What would
> the headline say?

Why, that's easy:


[Washington, DC] According to the Associated Press Wire this morning, no
one in the World had difficulty last night. That's right! NO ONE had a
problem. This had frightening implications for everyone but President
George Bush, who immediately held a press conference in the Oval Office to
announce this was the result of Republican efforts to stem crime and

Telesha Thunderthighs, the CEO/CIO of Whores and Heroin, LLC, a
contentious home-based industry headquartered in the Lower East Side of
New York, was quick to point out that as a woman-owned industry well-known
for creating trouble for a minority of right-thinking Republican
dignitaries, there was absolutely no relationship between the trends in
her industries and the recent move of their operations center to a
floating barge located outside the territorial waters of the United States. 

Even the Right Reverend Billy Bob Kissimmee, a television evangelist
well-known for his prediction in 2004, that he would regularly receive
better TV ratings than the Oprah Show during 2005, was strangely quiet,
preferring to give the credit to his vision of holiness by opening his
morning show on the East Coast of the United States with four minutes of
uninterrupted "Thank you, Jesus" instead of his usual railing and ranting
against the evils of the temporal world. 

However, nothing was more noticeable about the lack of problems throughout
society than the morning news as broadcast by CNN. After their morning
introductions, and witty commentaries about the lack of anything
newsworthy to broadcast, news commentators merely sat before their
computer terminals, always alert for breaking news, while the studios
played a series of Etudes by Bach interspersed by nauseously self-serving

Unfortunately, according to our sources within the New York Police
Department within the Bronx, although the placid conditions which lasted
throughout the night and well into the morning, could not last forever. At
11:53 AM EST, a well-known thug and street pimp named Willie Hoogan took
exception to one of his girls spending too much time sitting and chatting
amiably at the Jewish Deli on the corner, and bitch-slapped her in the
presence of seven witnesses, thus ending an incredible run of tranquility
unprecedented in the annals of New York history. 

Within hours the entire country had degenerated back to its old familiar
venal, ugly ways, and everyone had problems with SOMETHING. 

Credible? NO. Neither is the news most of these strange days...

The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: updated 11/24/2004
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 Fortune Random Thought For the Minute    
The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body.  This
means that only left handed people are in their right mind.
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