Good evening everyone!

On March 3rd, the infamous backroom legislation, known as House
Bill No. 163 passed the Idaho House. The title for this Bill is
"Contractor Registration".  It should be noted that this title is
inappropriate, since it is being touted by supporters as
something no more benign as Automobile registration. 

Far from it.  This Bill is probably the greatest government
intrusion into the world of everyone, particularly small
contractors and all property owners within the State of Idaho. 
It's a terrible Bill.  

As usual, when such a sinister Bill comes before the Legislature,
it is done in such a way that no one knows a damn thing about
it.  It just happens, and we find out about it several months
later when the 'kick in date' arrives.  This is very much similar
to Idaho's recent no smoking ban in commercial businesses that
was passed several months ago, but just kicked in this year!

Today I just learned that the Idaho Senate also signed on to this
insidious licensing scam that provides job security for the
wealthiest corporate contractors belonging to Idaho's
Contractor's Association that wrote this Bill, bought off certain
politicians, and rammed it down our throats in a rather secretive
fashion.  Keep in mind, that no public hearings on such an
invasive Bill were ever held as far as I know, in any region of
Idaho.  A special interest group again achieves a legal monopoly
over the small construction contractors seeking to eak out a
living and put food on the table, and property owners who no
longer have the freedom to decide on which contractor they wish
to freely employ to improve their own private property.

This law will, as has been shown elsewhere in other states,
eliminate hundreds, if not thousands, of self-employed building
contractors throughout the State of Idaho.

The Bill now sits on Idaho Governor Dirk Kemthorne's desk for
signature. He has rubber stamped everything else this Republican
Legislature has produced over the years, and will certainly do
that once again on this dangerous Bill.  This insulting Bill has
me charged up, almost enough to sell off all of my property in
Idaho and move elsewhere to another state where individual
freedom to make such choices, perform such work, and make
personal decisions that are non of ANY government's business, are
still respected.

This is, I hope, the strongest affirmation that our elected
Representatives in the State of Idaho do not represent their own
constituents, but campaign funding special interest groups
seeking a monopoly over the 'little guy'!  That's exactly what
this is folks. These political prostitutes are bought and sold
everyday.  Follow the money trail. Look at the campaign finance
disclosure data from the State Secretary of State's website, and
you'll get a pretty good picture who exactly these charlatans
really represent.

In Region I, we have three of 'em who signed on for this vote. 
Here they are folks:

    Reg I Reps:  Eric Anderson (GOP)
                 George Eskridge (GOP)
    Reg I Senator:  Shawn Keough (GOP)

There you have it.  I've long ago lost my respect for the
political system in Idaho.  Politics stinks.  Money talks.
Ordinary 'little guys' sink under the tremendous force of
political power to control our every choice, steal our
livelihoods, and destroy the fabric of our own lives and
families, including the control over our own private property.

It's interesting in a way too.  All three of these bastards, are
showing up in Bonners Ferry for a GOP Fund Raiser at the American
Legion Hall for a Lincoln Day celebration Saturday beginning at
11:30 to 3 p.m. this Saturday, March 19th.

Most sensible folks would probably agree that they should all be
hauled out onto the street and hung in public display for their
treason against the inalienable rights of the individual
citizen.  They will not be. They will be praised by the fathers
of our GOP community and held up as heroes, hailed as defenders
of liberty, small government, and apple pie, motherhood, and
defenders of the common man.  What a charade!  What a farce! 
Those losing their own businesses, jobs and livelihood to this
bunch of political prostitutes won't be impressed.

I have published two Guest Opinion editorials in the local
newspapers in both Boundary and Bonner counties, those at least
who would agree to print it.  Sadly, the Bonner County Daily Bee
newspaper, published from Standpoint, refused to run the story! 
I guess Sandpoint's 'Hagadon owned' paper agrees that small
contractors and property owners ought to have their rights to
manage their own affairs regulated by the emerging gestapo that
is being set up to make such decisions for them to their own
detriment.  That same gestapo will haul any offenders off to jail
and impose fines for 'non-compliance', a word I have always found
repulsive to my very fibre of being.

The answer to all of this.  In this society of people who are
willing to sell their own souls on an altar of public safety,
security, and expediency seem to have found a way to accept
tyranny as the weapon of choice.  This weapon by the way, will
eventually destroy us all.

Warmest regards,

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