Stephen King is a Felon
by Francis A Ney, Jr.

Exclusive to TLE

I wonder what would happen if Stephen King decided to have a book-signing in 
Lexington, Kentucky this weekend?

If the events of two weeks ago are any indication, he would be arrested, 
handcuffed, fingerprinted and thrown in jail, charged with felonious 
possession of terrorist material. That's what happened to 18 year old 
William Poole, a high-school junior. Apparently, the Kentucky legislature 
has made it a crime to write or possess any material involving "violence 
directed at a public institution" which makes the works of Stephen King, Tom 
Clancy (among others) and even the Bible, illegal.

Leaving aside the horrendous detail that this kid was turned in to the 
authorities by his own grandparents, this law and the enforcement of it has 
got to be one of the most egregious examples of zero-tolerance/zero-thought 
and crimethink to date. Quintupling the bail only serves notice that the 
prosecuting authorities, as well as the judge, haven't seen the First 
Amendment since law school and were likely out sick when the subject was 
covered. Nor was it covered in whatever POST curriculum the arresting 
officers received, if any.

Color me shocked, but not surprised. In an environment where a student can 
be expelled for drawing a picture of a family member in military uniform 
holding a (gasp) gun, a first-grader can be expelled as a drug pusher for 
gathering up weeds and dirt, and a citizen can be placed on the no-fly list 
merely for telling the feds parading down Main Street they're buck-ass 
naked, sending in the Gestapo to arrest someone writing generic horror 
fiction is the next logical step in enforcing tyranny and suppressing 
freedom of expression. You don't even have to be in school anymore, as 
Minitruth-oops, I mean Homeland Security-has successfully recruited your own 
family to turn you in for writing bad fiction. And if you don't have fame, 
money, and a bunch of lawyers ready to fight for your rights, you'll end up 
in jail with a felony record that makes you a second class citizen forever: 
No ballot, no firearms, and no college scholarships.

Heck, most public school students don't even know what Minitruth was, as the 
seminal works of George Orwell are not only not taught, but have been 
removed from the school libraries as subversive literature. Students even 
tell pollsters that the First Amendment goes too far and that journalists 
should be licensed and inspected by the government. Do civics classes even 
exist in the kiddie indoctrination camps these days?

But the most disturbing thing I have seen in relationship to this case are 
the things I have not seen. There has been no outcry from the sources I 
would otherwise expect to be all over this like ugly on a gorilla. Nothing 
from the ACLU, nothing from FIRE, nothing from IJ, not a word from even the 
Libertarian Party. Maybe it's because the police now claim that William 
Poole was planning to start a "nationwide gang" and are using his notes and 
stories to prove it. Sounds like the vilification of the Branch Davidians 
during the 51 days prior to the witch burning, but on a smaller scale.

Does Stephen King even have the stones to go to Lexington and dare the cops 
to arrest him? Does he even care enough to show a modicum of support to a 
fellow author who doesn't enjoy the protections he receives? Or is he going 
to do the smart and safe thing and stay out of Kentucky?

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
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"That parrot is definitely deceased"

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