In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave Laird
>Good morning, everyone...
>For once in my life someone within the Holy See of Rome has made a
>statement that I feel is both timely, very accurate and meaningful to not
>only this, but all generations without sounding too broad-handed or
>"We live in a world where pagan images of consumerism, egoism and
>overabundance are valued, where the sick and aged are marginalized,

Utter bollocks. In the semi-free economies of the world the sick and the
aged have never been more looked after. Indeed, in "welfare" states like
the UK the obsession with looking after them has crippled our economies
and ruined our health-care and welfare systems.

> a
>world that wants to sweep aside those with limitations and eliminate the

More bollocks. The "world" seeks to eliminate the handicapped? Who
precisely seeks this?. Indeed, in the West the handicapped have become a
state sanctioned "victim" group demanding - and obtaining - unjust
special privileges. And the "disabled" movement - similar to other
Sainted PC "victim" lobbies - is motivated by pathological anti-life
hatred of the able-bodied and the natural order (for example, denying
that disablement is worse than health).

>said Cardinal Julian Herranz of Spain, one of only two
>cardinals from Opus Dei, a conservative order that John Paul holds in
>especially high esteem. "By contrast, the pope shows us that life has
>dignity until the last moment."

Anyone who has had the misfortune to see a loved one dying slowly and
painfully, especially when afflicted by Alzheimer's, knows that this is
utter twaddle. There is no "dignity" in such a fate, and societies and
religions which deny the aged and the dying a truly dignified (and
voluntary) departure are evil. 

Even the current Pope's current demise - surrounded by the best health
care and 24-hour attention the world could afford - is an undignified
process, as he drools, drivels and sprawls in a comatose senility.

>What I find most disagreeable,

As opposed to the crackpost socialist, Green Slime and anti-life
sentiments you are endorsing in the rest of your posting, which are
truly disagreeable, to say the least.

> however, is that associating the word pagan
>with the images of consumerism,

And what is wrong with consumerism? How does one live without consuming?

> egoism

And what is wrong with egoism? I can quite see why despotic institutions
like the Church, and its parasite beneficiaries, would like to persuade
their duped victims why egoism is bad, though.

> and overabundance

And what, pray, is "overabundance"? How does it differ from abundance,
and what is wrong with it?  Who decides when my abundance is

In reality we all know what people who use terms like "over-abundance"
are up to. The bastards intend to steal your property and fuck your life

> is not accurate,
>for the paganistic philosophy, such as I understand it, rejects
>consumerism out of hand, 

In which case the alleged pagans are cretins. How are they going to live
without "consuming"? In which case they are terrorists, which I define
as anyone who attacks the grounds of human existence.

>promotes wise and careful use of natural

Wise and careful use of natural resources is effective promoted by one
thing only - property rights and a free market.

>and a reverence for life over materialism. 

Since life is a material state employing the use and consumption of
material resources those who decry "materialism" are almost invariably
parasites and looters who seek to destroy the liberty and material
existence of other material entities.

>Perhaps it was a poorly-worded statement, or perhaps the Cardinal simply
>associates some current American traditions as consumerism and the
>me-first philosophy

A crude Commie smear term for the wise and careful enjoyment of your own

> with paganism, but I fear Agnus Dei probably applies
>some beliefs about paganism, much the same as the organized pagan movement
>in the United States does about Roman Catholicism. 

What is this utter crap doing on a libertarian list? 

There are surely enough Commie, Nazi, Socialist, Green Slime and
religionist lists where Mr. Laird can find an appreciative audience for
this illogical, vile, evil and terrorist filth.
Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director
The Libertarian Alliance
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