Free Life Commentary
Issue Number 134
Thursday, 07 April 2005

On Conversing with the British National Party
by Sean Gabb


I wrote this article last November and then forgot about it. But the 
opening of the prosecution today of Nick Griffin brought it back to 
mind. I therefore publish it now.

I have not changed my views on how to deal with approaches from the 
British National Party, though the facts have since changed. The BNP 
Press Officer turned out to be a fool. He got into an argument with Dr 
Chris R. Tame over some words used in one of our news releases, and 
huffily demanded to be removed from all our mailing lists. It is, of 
course, highly convenient for us to say now that we are disliked by the 
BNP. But it makes no strategic sense for that Party to have decided to 
dislike the only political movement in this country willing to defend 
its rights in public and willing to speak to its officers with any 
degree of politeness. It also makes me wonder to what extent the BNP is 
controlled by the security services. A pure front organisation would 
surely have run at us with arms outspread, ready to enfold us in its 
poisonous embrace. Instead, we were told to get lost.

But here is the article as I wrote it.

Sean Gabb
7th April 2005

The Article

On Sunday the 7th November [2004], I took a long telephone call from the 
Press Officer of the British National Party. This should not have 
surprised me. Just over a fortnight before, the Libertarian Alliance had 
sent out a news release deploring the fact that HSBC and Barclay's Bank 
had both told the BNP to take its business elsewhere, and denouncing the 
Government for making the first law in our history that requires 
political parties to register with an Electoral Commission and to have 
bank accounts in this country. This law makes what might otherwise be a 
private decision of the banks into a limitation of public debate. On the 
strength of that release, I did four radio discussions and gave 
telephone interviews to several newspapers. But I had then moved to 
other business and was surprised to be called by an officer of the BNP, 
and I had to think quickly about the tone I should adopt with him.

On the basic principle, of defending the rights of BNP members to 
organise and publish and take part in elections, I have no difficulty. I 
am an officer of the Libertarian Alliance, and our policy is to defend 
liberty. If two men were put on trial for eating each other's excrement, 
we would readily go on television to defend their rights. Ours would be 
the only civil liberties group in the country willing to do this, I have 
no doubt, just as we were the only group willing last month to defend 
the right of some Jamaican singer - whose name escaped me even in the 
radio studio - to advocate the murder of homosexuals. When homosexuals 
were still persecuted, we defended them. We now defend their opponents 
when they are persecuted. As said, our policy is to defend liberty. 
Though our resources are too limited to do this in all cases, we do try 
to make some defence at the margin - that is, in those cases where the 
better funded but less resolute civil liberties groups are likely to 
think of the bad publicity involved and to bolt for cover

There is no question of our not defending the rights of BNP members. Our 
only concern when drafting that news release was to ask if the decision 
to withdraw banking services was a purely commercial response to 
pressure from other customers - and we believe that boycotting is part 
of the right to freedom of association - or if it was at least in part 
an attempt from a sector so regulated and cartelised as to be a private 
arm of the state to limit freedom of speech. We decided, taking the 
present state of the law into account,  it was the latter, and the 
result can be seen on our website.

But basic principle is one thing. I had not decided - and my only excuse 
is that I was occupied with other matters - how to respond to an 
approach from the BNP. I already knew I should reject the standard 
response of defensive aggression. I have heard this too often. It 
requires a tone of exaggerated self-righteousness: "I yield to no one in 
my utter condemnation of these evil men. Many of my best friends are 
[mention some ethnic group, the more unusual the better]. I am myself 
half-Tibetan and one quarter Aztec..." and so on and so forth. This is 
degrading, and it concedes a moral superiority to the enemies of freedom 
of speech that they do not deserve. But while there was no doubt I 
should be polite, how polite should I be? After all, I do not agree with 
the principles and policies of the BNP. I think I adopted the right tone 
of polite sympathy as Mr xxx explained the raw deal his party gets from 
the Establishment and its tame media. But I think it would be useful for 
me to explain the reasons behind the tone I adopted.

If we were dealing with excrement eaters, I should be reluctant to have 
any dealings beyond a principled defence of their rights. There would be 
something so inherently nasty about their activities that no one would 
blame me for being rather short with them on the telephone. But it is 
evident to me that members of the BNP are not in this category of 
defended persons.

We are told the BNP is a party of national socialists, of racists and of 
fascists. Sometimes, these words are used as synonyms and are only 
uttered to add to the weight of vague denunciation. If they are thought 
about, however, the words are not always justly used.

A fascist, so far as I can tell, is someone who believes than an 
unregulated free market leads to unacceptable economic instability and 
unfair distributions of wealth, but who also believes that socialism is 
variously unworkable and immoral. He therefore believes that the state 
should take a more active role in national life than is allowed by the 
liberal philosophers: it should ensure that businesses are allowed to 
operate without disruption, but that the fruits are more equally shared. 
Of course, libertarians can reject fascism on this definition, as can 
radical socialists. But I fail to see how anyone else can. This has been 
the position of just about every mainstream political party in the 
civilised world during the past hundred years. The only difference 
between Mussolini and Lloyd George was black shirts and caster oil - 
and, while important, these are differences that have no bearing on the 
validity of the underlying analysis. For most people in this country, to 
denounce the BNP as fascist is as absurd as to denounce its leadership 
for wearing business suits.

The word "racism" has so many meanings that it has none. It can mean 
anything from a preference for living in communities of one's own sort 
to wanting to murder everyone else. Since most people come within the 
weaker definition and almost no one in the stronger, the word has about 
the same intellectual content and the same function as the growling of a 
dog. It simply means: "shut up, or we will turn your life into a 
misery". This being so, the claim that the BNP is a racist party is not 
worth discussing.

So far as national socialism is concerned, this is a more justified 
claim. A national socialist believes that the main agents in the world 
are not individuals but nations, and that these are defined genetically, 
and that each nation has its own characteristics and interests that may 
place it in conflict with others. Individuals are but parts of the 
greater nation, and stand to it as do the teeth to a comb. Since 
national socialism has Hegelian roots, it shares with some of the 
Marxists a view of knowledge according to which propositions are true or 
false according to who is advancing them and when: therefore the often 
casual dismissal of "Jewish Physics" and "Jewish Political Economy". 
Associated with national socialism is a socialistic, protectionist 
approach to economic management, and some strange and intellectually 
indefensible theories of money and credit. And central to the ideology 
is the belief that a government that represents the general will of the 
nation should not be restrained by any legal norms or moral 

On this definition, the BNP was until recently a national socialist 
party. Its previous leader, John Tyndal, was a disciple of Adolf Hitler, 
and many party members - some of them still active - belonged in their 
younger days to movements that plainly owned much to German national 

This being said, I am not sure if the BNP now can be called national 
socialist. Most collectivist ideologies are absurd, but the absurdities 
of national socialism have been advertised so well during the past 60 
years, that they are difficult to ignore. I have trouble to understand 
how any person of reasonable intelligence can be a national socialist. 
In any event, national socialism has not, and never has had, any 
significant electoral appeal in this country. Under its present leader, 
Nick Griffin, its position seems far better to be described as white 
nationalist. This is an ideology that regards nations - defined 
according to common appearance, though perhaps also to other criteria - 
as important, and insists that each nation so far as possible should 
have its own territory, and should keep to its own national ways. In a 
loose sense, this is a position shared by most people, but it has, over 
the past few decades, been refined into a distinctive ideology; and 
perhaps its most intellectually coherent expression can be found in the 
group of writers assembled around Jared Taylor, the editor of American 

There are points of agreement between white nationalism and national 
socialism. But this does not justify conflating the two. After all, 
there are points of agreement between Trotskyism and syndicalism - just 
as there are between typhus and the bubonic plague - but it is generally 
seen as more useful to focus on the points of difference. White 
nationalists may believe in some degree of tariff protection, but do not 
necessarily share the more socialistic views of the national socialists 
- especially if they are members of a nation within which market 
exchange is part of the culture. They also do not necessarily share the 
anti-semitism of the national socialists. Perhaps they dislike those 
Jews who think of themselves as expatriate Israelis. But they do not 
like Jews for purely genetic reasons, and usually accept the assimilated 
as potentially valuable members of the white race. Indeed, American 
Renaissance has Jewish contributors; and the BNP recently put up a 
Jewish candidate for election. Most importantly, perhaps, white 
nationalists accept at least the principle of working within legal norms 
that may be highly liberal - even if they do not believe in applying 
those norms outside their own racial grouping.

As with any political movement that is changing its ideology, there are 
firm advocates of both old and new, and the majority of members who hold 
to a shifting and often inconsistent mixture of both. See, for example, 
the Labour Party, which moved in the late 1980s from various kinds of 
socialism to a politically correct social democracy: it is the party of 
Tony Blair, of Gordon Brown and of Jeremy Corbyn. Look at the old 
Liberal Party: well into the 1950s - long after it had become a party of 
social democracy - it still included a few classical liberals. The BNP 
is in much the same position. The leadership is increasingly drawn to 
white nationalism, but the older activists retain more than a tinge of 
national socialism. The leaders themselves may have once been national 
socialists, but are no longer - just as half the present Ministers seem 
once to have been radical socialists. Because the BNP is a persecuted 
movement, and therefore finds it more than usually difficult to find new 
activists, it is reasonable to expect this ideological divide to 
continue for at least the next decade. Even so, I am not sure that it is 
appropriate, on the basis of some of its older activists - or even on 
what may remain the esoteric doctrines of the leadership - to define the 
BNP as national socialist.

I will emphasise that the views of the BNP do not in the least influence 
the willingness of the Libertarian Alliance to defend its rights to 
organise and operate. Even if its manifesto included a promise to murder 
every Jew in the country and to flood the country with - non-debt 
bearing - paper money, that would make no difference to our position. We 
defend the right of BNP members to freedom of speech and association. 
But the nature of these views does affect how polite we feel we ought to 
be to members of the BNP. National socialism has its place within a 
collectivist spectrum that inspired the murder of perhaps a hundred 
million people in the last century. National socialists, in our view, 
are as infamous as Trotskyites, Stalinists, Maoists, and others of that 
kind. Taken together, they stand lower in our regard than they 
hypothetical excrement eaters mentioned above - who only want to inflict 
their nastiness on themselves and each other.

But, while I am not a white nationalist, I see no reason whatever to 
regard white nationalists as political lepers. I loathe and abhor the 
Labour Party, both as it used to be and as it has now become. I have 
little time for the Conservative Party. But I have close friends in both 
these parties; and, unless I have a specific reason not to be, I am 
generally polite to other activists and Members of Parliament. I do not 
see why a party of white nationalists should be treated any differently.

This being said, there are two considerations that affect my response to 
approaches from the BNP. The first is that the BNP is a persecuted 
movement. It cannot rent public facilities. It cannot open bank accounts 
in this country. Election laws are being drafted or redrafted to prevent 
it from winning seats on representative bodies. If it does manage to win 
seats in local administration, conventions are changed to deny it any 
administrative power. Its members either are hounded informally from 
their jobs and homes, or are subject to formal pressures. And 
persecution is not confined to party members, but spreads in some vague 
way to those who associate with them. I have some firmness of mind - 
after all, I am willing to argue for freedom when others find it 
convenient to look the other way. But I am not willing to put myself in 
a position where I cannot find work and where my friends are frightened 
to be seen in public with me. Had I been alive and active in the early 
20th century, I am sure I would have spoken out against the persecution 
of homosexuals. But would I have shared a platform with Edward 
Carpenter? Would I have posed beside John Gielgud just after his 
cottaging conviction? I like to think that I would, but do not believe I 
would. There is in such matters both a primary and a secondary 
persecution; and though far less damaging than the first, I have no wish 
to risk the second.

There are limits to my timidity. Last year, I took part in a radio 
programme that included Tony Martin, and I have on my website 
photographs of the two of us in friendly conversation. Now that Mr 
Martin has joined the BNP, I have not the slightest intention of taking 
those photographs down. Equally, if one of my closest friends were to 
join the BNP, I would make a point of not altering my personal behaviour 
towards him. But while I will not choose my friends or alter my past 
according to the political shifts of others, I will not put myself with 
full prior knowledge into a position of risk.

The second consideration is that the BNP has never been a normal 
political movement. There are excellent reasons to believe it is a 
creature of the security services. I cannot - or will not - give my 
reasons. But I have no doubt that most of those prominent within the BNP 
are controlled by the security services. Its purpose is to attract 
support that might otherwise go to genuine white nationalist movements - 
and to neutralise that support by ensuring that advances are never 
followed through. Its purpose is also to taint whole bodies of analysis 
and policy so that they can be dismissed by the Establishment without 
the trouble of a refutation. Thus most discussion of how immigration is 
changing the demographic profile of this country remains dangerous 
because anyone who speaks about it too openly will be smeared as a 
fellow traveller of the BNP. Though without success, a similar tactic 
has been used against Euroscepticism. Whether or not it is a front 
organisation has no bearing on the civil and political liberties of its 
members. But it does have a bearing - taken together with the risk of 
secondary persecution - on my willingness to associate myself in any 
capacity with the BNP.

So I have explained the response that I have made and will continue to 
make to approaches from the BNP. I will not just defend the rights of 
BNP members, but will also be polite to its officers. Anyone who thinks 
this is an admission to be used against me is either stupid or 
malevolent. I have given my reasons.

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