Good evening again, Douglas!

Douglas Friedman wrote to everyone in response to Frank Reichert...

Frank Reichert wrote:
> > > A recent MSNBC poll showed that a very high percentage of Americans
think that> President George W. Bush should be impeached. Discussion regarding
impeachment> of the president is growing wider in the mainstream media and on
the Internet.> Please take a moment and click on our link to give us your
input.> Take the online JBS Poll> >

To which you replied:
> While I am certainly not a JBSer, I went to the site and voted, then looked
at the results. Only 53% of those voting favored impeachment. If it's that low
among the JBS faithful, I think we can safely conclude there is no real public
support for this position.

Not all who voted were the JBS faithful, since I am not a JBS member.  I
suspect the vote was likely pitched to a lot of groups who might be
sympathetic with various JBS agendas however.

Nonetheless, I noted 4% weren't sure.  The breakdown of the remainder
indicates that a significant segment of the 'no' vote didn't necessarily
believe that the 'mistakes' Bush has made warranted impeachment -- not a high
endorsement for Bush, or so it might seem in any case.

There are more important and serious issues looming on the horizon right now
that might change the perception of the public against the Republicans, as the
majority of the current controversy surrounding revelations of corruption and
kick backs etc., are mostly Republican politicians, including Bush.

I'm not so sure where that one is going to go at this moment, but the
casualties are escallating again in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the cumulative
effect of some of these revelations will in my judgement, continue to erode
Bush's support in the middle of his second term.  It could also spell the doom
of the GOP hold on Congress in the aftermath of the mid-term elections this

Kindest regards,

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