p; **Bush authorizes
U.S.-Mexico border fence*
United Press International, October 27, 2006

*WASHINGTON (UPI)* -- President Bush authorized construction Thursday of nearly 700 miles of fencing on the U.S. border with Mexico. "The bill authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our southern border," Bush said at the signing ceremony. "The bill authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally.

Walls can be built to keep people OUT, or they can be built to keep people IN. When the East German Government authorized the construction of the Berlin Wall in August of 1961, they told their citizens that it was to protect them from an invasion from the west and to stop West German students from taking advantage of the free education available in East Germany and using that education to get better paying jobs in the West.

We ALL know what the real reason was. Do we ALL know the real reason for building a wall around America?

Habeas Corpus has been suspended for the first time since the civil war. Patriot Act I is the law and Patriot Act II is still waiting in the wings. Will be face, in a few years time, the same dilemma the East Germans did? Will history credit the "Great Wall of America" for keeping out the hordes of poor, or keeping in disenters and "enemies of the state", or both.

If you happen to have a piece of the original Berlin Wall [thousands of pieces were collected and sold as souvenirs] it might be appropriate to send it to the President to be incorporated into the new wall.

I also note that the Statue of Liberty is apparently out of date and politically incorrect. Maybe we should pivot it 180 degrees on its pedestal so that it faces inward rather than outward; urging people to leave. At minimum we should remove the obviously outmoded phrase; "Give me your poor, your tired,your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", or add an * stating that it is restricted to white Anglo-Saxons of northern European extraction. If those words are no longer valid, perhaps the Statue has outlived its purpose and should be returned to France. As IF they would accept it!

David Terry,
sp;                                                  Libertarian

Oregon House of Representatives

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