Douglas Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Robert Goodman wrote:
>> I thought more or less the same, but I wouldn't go for air strikes
agains>t> Iran. AFAIK Iran's pro-freedom opposition is not geographically>
concent>rated and would not benefit particularly by air strikes.
>Not now. Now I would favor air strikes only on the city of Qom to take out
>the mullahs, plus strikes on Iran's nuke facilities. In 2003, the
pro-democ>racy people had the Iranian govt. tottering. Air strikes would
have been us>eful in keeping the mullahs from moving Revolutionary Guards
to fight them.

Would that have caused any more than a bit of delay?  Or even that?  I
hadn't realized the guards were based in a particular place and could be
intercepted so.  I thought they were pretty well intermixed such that air
strikes would only cause indiscriminate mayhem.

>I agree with you generally, though not completely on Cyprus. The Greeks
tri>ggered the whole thing back in 1974; the Turkish Cypriot separation was
a r>eaction to the Greek Cypriot move to annex Cyprus to Greece, which
collapse>d when the Greek junta did.

I was thinking a few years farther back than that, which allowed me to
count the Turks as the aggressors.  That is, the Greeks on Cyprus would not
have been interested in annexation to Greece had it not been for their
being victims of oppression at the hands of the local Turks during the
previous decade.  Not continuously, though, so it's not as strong a case as
might've been.

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