         L I B E R T Y   N O R T H W E S T   C O N F E R E N C E
                        A N D   N E W S G R O U P

                         A Fidonet Backbone Echo

                FidoNet 1:346/16 -*- Bonners Ferry, Idaho
           Email subscriber list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                E-MAIL - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                 MODIFIED AND UPDATED: 13th, July 2002

Liberty Northwest is a moderated Fidonet Backbone echo.  Fidonet 
Policy applies. The Fidonet TAG is LIB_NW.  Fidonet policy is
Contained in the current edition of Policy 4 of the Fidonet
standards.  A copy of such Policy will be provided upon request.  
In cases of conflict between policy rules for Liberty Northwest 
and Fidonet standards, Fidonet Policy hereby supersedes such 
policies as contained herein.
PURPOSE:  Liberty Northwest Conference and Newsgroup is a discussion
Conference dedicated to promoting various discussions of political,
economic, and social issues in the overall context and perspective of 
Libertarian idealism.  The overall hope is to promote and discuss
"free choice" as the best and most viable alternative to coerced
or forced solutions and choices made by others for us, and embodied 
in the so-called "statist" government "solutions" most prevalent 
in the mentality and political reference as institutionalised today.

Therefore, we believe that the best solutions are the free choices
that individuals make for themselves, their families and their own
privately owned property. We believe that individuals have the 
unalienable right to not only make their own personal choices for 
themselves, but that they have the responsibility for the consequences 
of such choices once made.

PARTICIPATION: Bringing people together to discuss these issues is the 
goal and objective. However, we are also a genuine Newsgroup, receiving 
news and press releases from the national Libertarian Party of the 
U.S. and other organisations that are most consistent with these goals.

Although we are a Libertarian-oriented conference, we welcome all 
participants. However the topic is "libertarianism" and the Moderator 
reserves the right to limit and restrict discussions that fail to
meet this criteria. The Moderator will at all times set overall 
policy. Participants disagreeing with the Moderator are directed 
to submit such disagreements to the Moderator via NETMAIL, or 
private email, not publicly on the Liberty Northwest Conference 
and Newsgroup.

Generally, all political, economic and social issues are on-topic.
Therefore a variety of perspectives and philosophy are expected and 
encouraged. However, all participants are expected to communicate 
in an adult and responsible fashion.  Flame throwing is discouraged, 
as are personal attacks against the character of others participating 
regardless of they're political beliefs!  In other words, the Golden 
Rule applies here.  Respect others as you would wish them to respect 

This does NOT mean you necessarily have to respect their beliefs -- 
you may feel free to debate any issue as you see fit and appropriate.  
In doing that however, it is important to remember: you are not 
looking into the faces of those you choose to communicate with here. 
Some personalities take a while to get to know and appreciate.

The restrictions here are intended to be minimal. Here are a few of
The obvious that are considered necessary:

1. Posting of messages: Communication should be personal communication
between you and other participants on the Conference itself, not
a conversation you are entertaining on another forum or platform
elsewhere. News releases and personal essays are considered within
the above mentioned scope, if the intent is to engender communication
or begin a thread or discussion.

2. Crossposting of messages between members of other conferences are 
strictly prohibited unless a clear unbroken dialogue between LIB_NW
participants can be established  within the Conference itself.  
If it cannot, then it has no place or purpose on LIB_NW.  Endless 
or voluminous cross posting of material is NOT permitted and is 
considered grossly disrespectful to others!  It serves no purpose 
for personal dialogue and is irritating to almost everyone who has to
download such unwarranted material, most often at personal expense 
off a commercial news or mail server.

2. Resource Information:  Participants are free to post (sparingly)
resource information to include Conservative, Libertarian and
Constitutionalist meetings, group discussions, and other pertinent
information that back up and supplement ongoing discussion topics on
the Conference.  Multiple posting of lengthy and fragmented information
is prohibited without Moderator approval in advance.

3.  Human dignity.  Regardless of perspective, philosophy or ideology,
all persons deserve the dignity and respect that you feel is due 
yourself.  Anyone expressing racial, ethnic, religious or slurs or
comments should be ignored, and if done deliberately and with malice,
will not be tolerated. Proselytising and other "salesmanlike" behaviour
will not be tolerated.  Matters and concerns of a religious nature are
welcome, but preaching sermons and attempting to entice others to
accept your particular religious views go beyond the purpose of this

4.  Political restraints:  None.  All perspectives are invited.

5.  Grievances and protocol.  If any participant feels personally
offended by another participant on the conference, a private NETMAIL 
message to the Moderator would normally be in order if the two 
parties in question cannot otherwise resolve a particular
conflict.  If subject matter is a source of conflict, then the
offended party should normally post the alleged offence directly to
the Conference itself and not the Moderator, since the input of
others concerning the subject would be pertinent to resolving the

6.  In order to keep the rules and standards of the echo at a bare
minimum, participants are asked to contribute as responsible adults.
The above rules and standards are subject to change at any time
when it becomes necessary to do so.

Frank M. Reichert
Moderator, Liberty Northwest Conference & Newsgroup

Libnw mailing list
List info and subscriber options: http://immosys.com/mailman/listinfo/libnw
Archives: http://immosys.com/mailman//pipermail/libnw

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