--- Comment #13 from Tor Lillqvist <> 2011-12-01 08:26:44 
PST ---
Stack trace at crash:

        [bla bla related to the error dialog]
     kernel32.dll!_RaiseException@16()  + 0x52 bytes    
     msvcr90.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject=0x0012fa64, const
_s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo=0x4966beb8)  Line 161    C++
>       cppuhelper3MSC.dll!cppu::loadSharedLibComponentFactory(const 
> rtl::OUString & rLibName={...}, const rtl::OUString & rPath={...}, const 
> rtl::OUString & rImplName={...}, const 
> com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & 
> xMgr={...}, const 
> com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::registry::XRegistryKey> & 
> xKey={...}, const rtl::OUString & rPrefix={...})  Line 487 + 0x9b bytes    C++
Line 886 + 0x43 bytes    C++

The interesting part is in    
cppuhelper3MSC.dll!cppu::loadSharedLibComponentFactory()  Line 487 + 0x9b
bytes, where the debugger shows that it is trying to load
"file:///C:/Program/LibO-dev%203.5/program/../program/" , i.e. from the "program" folder even if it is in the URE\bin
folder. A fallout from the Basis layer removal perhaps?

Anyway, if I move the from URE\bin to program, unopkg runs
without problems. (Or copy, but just having it in program should work fine.) 

How to fix this then in the build, I don't know. Just have the installer put in program instead of URE\bin? That probably would work fine.
Or ask whoever it was who did the Basis layer removal if he has any idea how to
properly fix this?

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