--- Comment #1 from Henning <> ---
My observations to reproduce:

1. create a document with one multiline cell and all other cells as singleline
2. save+exit
3. open document
4. change active cell by using the cursor-keys
5. the cell that was previously selected will be changed to multiline (on cell

The undo-list now has the entry "Attribute" for every cell-change without
specifying which attribute as changed.

Other occasions where this behavior appears include copy by Ctrl+c or closing
the document.

The cells are not changed to multiline when the selected cell is changed by
using the mouse.

>From my point of view the severity should be increased because this modifies
the data unintentionally.

Version: 24.2.0~rc2 from Debian-repository (4:24.2.0~rc2-2)

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