--- Comment #13 from Alexander Dietz <> ---
Here is a suggestion about the "language" menu how I could imagine how it can
be improved. Not sure how hard it would be to implement, but it seems more
consistent. I also would be available to test this or a related feature...

The suggestion is for the submenus

“Tools” → “Language” → “For Section”
“Tools” → “Language” → “For Paragraph”
“Tools” → “Language” → “For all text”

1. They all should work the same. That means a checkmark at the beginning
indicates the selected language attribute for the selected part.
2. As far as I know for "paragraph" and "all text" you do not have a checkmark
as it might take a longer time for larger text to apply a language attribute to
the "paragraph" or "all text". Maybe a popup can ask the user if he/she wants
to apply the language attributes which can take a longer time (>10 seconds).
3. Also as far as I know the languages shown in the “Tools” → “Language” are
"suggested" languages, i.e. based on the words used in these parts. That is
fine, but an indication if this suggested language is installed or not would be
really great. And if a language is not installed a click on that language would
open the language installer for this specific language. 

   German (Germany) CLICK TO INSTALL
   English (UK) INSTALLED
   English (US) INSTALLED

i.e. really complete information in the list of languages clearly visible to
the user.

4. When a language is shown as "installed", it should be checked beforehand if
that language really is installed. I had some issues with some "German {de}"
language but it seem to had some issues, i.e. when selected it did not check
anything. So it maybe was not or incorrectly installed? 

Let me know any questions or how I can help with testing ...

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