--- Comment #33 from ---
> It is very sad, that incorrect generalization is used to defend one's point
> of view, attempting to trick people in believing that this is common
> software behavior (using examples from a specialized graphic-oriented
> software).

It is sadder to see dogmatism in people who will just ruin an already present
functionality, just because they don't like it, or it doesn't conform to their
view of "how it should be". If you'd like, I can make a list of all the
programmes that have that very same common behaviour. Believe me, the list is
long. VERY long.

Read my comment 31 again. It's right above. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Now that you (presumably) have read it, what do you have to say?

Again, the functionality was there! Someone decided it should stop working,
initially because they believed it "should work like Linux", only with [ALT].
That is wrong.

Now you come along and practically claim that LO users are stupid, and won't
understand the difference between the Start Centre and an open Writer or Calc

Got any better arguments, or shall you revert to "neh neh neh I won't fix it"
whilst stomping your foot at the same time?

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