--- Comment #2 from Adalbert Hanßen <> ---
I succeeded to assign "Überschrift 1" ... "Überschrift 7" to Strg-1 ... Strg-7
again. In order to do so, one has to use

Extras>Anpassen>Bereich>Alle Befehle>Vorlagen>Absatz

and search for "Überschrift 1" ... there! Unfortunately, not even "Überschrift"
brings you all possible choices below, you have to enter one more space key to
have the choice between all of the headings! If there alrady is an assignment
for the key combination to be re-assigned, you first have to find out (in the
upper left box) what it had been assigned to unassign it first using the
"Löschen". Only after this you can assign the wanted key combination by
selecting it in the overview of assignments in the upper box and then assign it
to the function selected with the two lower triple of selection boxes!

The other inconvenience is that there is no way of restricting the selection to
combinations with predefined components - e.g. Shift, Ctl, etc. - but that you
always have to scroll through the endless list of all possibilities

It is a bit tedious, but it works. The bad thing is, that you have to do this
again for the next development version you want to test until this all has been
reverted, as in
Unfortunately, in the development version of 2024-02-18, it has not yet been

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