--- Comment #4 from ---
> We need clear steps to reproduce, what is the actual result, what is the 
> expected result

I may not have been clear enough. The file I uploaded "alignment.xslx" should
display with "horizontal center / vertical center / wrap", because those are
the sheet's defaults. But the cell "A1" (in the file) is displaying "horizontal
left / vertical bottom / no-wrap".

> and version information (LO menu help > about; click on the icon to copy to 
> the clipboard).

The version is the one I pasted / selected in the dropdown: (windows),
and I just re-checked my version on linux which is (linux) ant it
exhibits the same behavior.

> From the pieces I gathered, apparently PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet generates an 
> XLSX file with something like:
>  <c r="A1" t="s">
> and LO parses it in some "unexpected" way (according to 
> <>
> in terms of the resulting cell alignment

I did not want to introduce too much bias in case this was not the root issue.
But in fact it looks like the default style for alignment is not applied with
`<c r="A1" t="s">` while it is applied with `<c r="A1" t="s" s="0">`. Also the
default "bold" style seems to be applied with `<c r="A1" t="s">` (without
This kind on file is "correctly" displayed on Microsoft Excel (from the above
GitHub issue) and as they are the only "source of truth" for this kind of file
we have to believe this should be the correct behavior.

> whereas for XLS (no last 'X'), the resulting alignment is "as expected"

>From my understanding this is an entirely different file format so it may not
be fully comparable to xslx.

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