--- Comment #2 from peter josvai <> ---

Nothing is missing.
But I didn't say the point...

The promote / denote buttons have misleading, illogical icons.
This is what I must have meant by "don't work" :)

So, they are illogical.
They point back and ahead.
However, promoting and denoting "happens" along a vertical axis :)

"Move heading up" is cool with the upward double arrow.
But promote with the rightward double arrow doesn't feel logical.

This is why I was suggesting an alternative.
I mean, why I suggested (and suggest) that an alternative would be great...

Some icons that depict moving upwards or downwards, but are different from the
heading moving icons...
(which represent physical moving )

One can learn it, sure...
But logic and logical transparency in icon culture is a key thing as I see...
Otherwise, an ice cream icon or a birdie would be suffice, too :)

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