--- Comment #5 from ady <> ---
I am tempted to change this report back from WFM to unconfirmed. The fact that
Miguel cannot reproduce the problem does not mean that the problem is not there
or that it cannot be replicated by anyone else, or that the problem is uniquely
related to one corrupted profile.


Anyone trying to replicate this would need more info about your system. Please
open LO and go to menu Help > About; use the icon in the middle to copy the
info to the clipboard and then post a new comment here and paste the copied
info. There is more than just a version number.

Additionally, when you go to menu Help > Restart in Safe Mode, there is an
option to completely reset your user profile to "factory defaults", with 2
sub-items. Please check those 2 sub-items too, but BEWARE that any
customization you have had until that moment will be lost. There are also an
advance option in the same dialogue that allows you to save a backup of your
current profile before resetting it.

The reason to ask you to reset your profile is because you are able to work
normally in LO's Safe Mode, which suggests some kind of profile corruption, at
least potentially. There might be some other cause for your problem. In any
case, your situation might not be easy to replicate by other users, and
therefore not easy to resolve by a developer.

One potential semi-random test is to go to menu Tools > Options > Lode/Save >
General > Save AutoRecovery information every 10 minutes and disable that check

An additional possible test could be to uninstall the current version of LO you
currently have, and re-install the latest 7.6. version (ATM 7.6.5). I am not
suggesting this as a real solution, but as a possible test (only if resetting
your profile and providing your info here has no positive results). If using
version 7.6 again would not generate the same crashes as your current 24.2
version, it would suggest that there is something unique in LO 24.2 that is not
present in 7.6 that crashes. Please use this as a last resort and only after
providing the requested info of your current version, and possibly additional
other steps that might be suggested in later comments.

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