--- Comment #20 from MB <> ---

Unfortunately I completely disagree with you and I was really upset sawing that
you marked this bug as duplicate. Let me explain.

First of all did you notice that with my methodology many images (which are in
fact groups) get lost and the problem is not only "image" at row 106?

Secondly, In my everyday usage of the file I never resize or move images, they
are all in the middle of their cells anchored there and I never touch them. But
after some edits and saves this happens again. People asked me to create a
methodology to replicate the issue for them to see it and I searched for it
showing a methodology but this doesn't mean this is the real problem. It's just
a way to see with your own eyes the proof that there is an issue.

My bug report here so refers to the random lost of "images" (which proved to be
image groups) when editing the file, not when resizing the images. If you mark
this as duplicate the issue here is closed and all the info that comes with it.
I spent too much time on this to accept your last comment as the same as my
issue. What you describe is another issue.

If you find the reason why the group of images are lost without any resize of
them just by editing the document, I may accept that it is related...

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