--- Comment #7 from David <> ---
  I will try to explain the use case we foresee for the proposed functionality.
We are a medium size structural engineering office, many time we have to
prepare complex structural reports based on results exported out of FE software
in form of spreadsheets. For the automation of the creation of documents, we
have spreadsheets we use as templates with the verification formulas of
regulations like for example Eurocodes.
  Now we have one cell for the main check with an outcome like "Ok" "NOK" and
conditional format, followed with an explanation and documental references on
next an previous cells, text format is terrible for a formal pdf exportation.

  Think of a text similar to: "as expresed on clause EN 1993 4.2.1 for class 1
cross-section, buckling check <b>fails</b> due to <b>excesive slenderness</b>
see equation 4.2.1b"

  This would be a very basic example that would be expressed into something
=if(CrossSectionClass=1,"as expresed on clause 4.2.1 EN 1990 for class 1
cross-section, buckling check "&if(checkingHere,"is ok","<b>fails</b> due to
<b>"&causeOfFailureHere&"</b> see equation 4.2.1b"))
  This is the basic functionality.

  Medium functionality, if we want to go for the full package, would be a bit
more complex font formating like: <span style="text-decoration:
overline">λ</span> so we could write formulas on the conditions with
mathematical required characters.

  And the "let's-make-a-magical-wish" functionality would include <img
src="data:image/png;base64, ...> so you could even put different figures based
on the conditions or in the middle of text explanations.

  As I said from the beginning simple text format html tags would be very
useful for complex format conditions or conditional format in middle
paragraphs. I think in html tags as they are near universal, but of course
other format marks would be also useful.
  Medium functionality and "let's-go-crazy" functionality I know are just
dreams :-)

Hope it clarifies the request.


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