--- Comment #11 from bunkem <> ---
Thank you for having a look @Steve271

I have the following settings in Locale & Languages

User interface: Default - English (USA)
Locale setting: English (Canada)
Default language for documents: Western English (Canada)

I suppose that brings up the likely issue.

For some reason people think that Canada locale is metric paper, which it
isn't.  Canada uses metric mostly, but not for paper.  We also use three or
four different ways of showing the date (top three are: US MM/DD/YY;
DD-MM-YYYY; YYYY-MM-DD).  It kind of makes your head spin but you get used to
it.  In any case, you will never, ever, find a ream of A4 paper in any stores
except by special order.  OK, apparently the Canadian government is using A4
but I've never seen it.

===off topic rant===
I've noticed the same thing with NextCloud.  The settings for Canada are all
screwed up and so importing the Canada holidays calendar into NextCloud doesn't
work if you chose UK English because I don't use US date formats.  There is no
setting for what we actually use.  Another bug report for Nextcloud.
===rant off===

In any case, my Mac has system setting to use imperial measurements for
applications because we use letter paper (i.e. 8 1/2 x 11" ) in all apps.

Libreoffice should pick this up from the system and also show the letter paper
size in the print dialog ... not some metric equivalent.   No one here will
know what that metric size means.

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