--- Comment #30 from Eyal Rozenberg <> ---
(In reply to Sahil Gautam from comment #28)
> Hi, I had some more ideas related to this bug, and the related bugs. So as
> per my understanding, a merged cell is the top left cell of the merge range,
> just covering the other cells (hiding them). 

Sort of. It were "the top left cell", period, then it should not be selected
when a selection only involves columns other than the left one. The ambiguity
regarding what and where the merged cell is cannot be perfectly settled; we can
only try to minimize inconsistency, confusing and frustrated expectations - but
they will not reach zero. There will always trade-offs.

Let's take your proposal:
> when dragging and selecting,
> we should show all the hidden cells
> as shadows, so that the selection/dragging becomes more intuitive and once
> the select/drag
> is over, we can just hide the shadows of the hidden cells, letting the top
> left cell cover the whole merge area.

Other than the visualization aspect, you're suggesting a third kind of
selection logic - neither what we have now nor the logic I've suggested. With
your logic, if I've merged A4:C4 and shift-select B2:B5 - I will actually not
get the merged cell selected. Is this what I wanted? Perhaps that's debatable.
But what if I just select the merged cell - clicking on what used to be B4? Is
the merged cell selected? That's inconsistent what your selection logic; or is
the B4 "underneath" it get selected? That's definitely not what the use

So, I don't think the consistency/usability trade-off you suggest with your
proposal is the right thing to do.

(And if I've misinterpreted your suggestion, please correct me.)

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