--- Comment #3 from ---
Hi Cor,

No, the formula/math editor in LibreOffice I guess has its roots in intended
compability with MS Equation Editor (and whatever the 'full version' of that
was called). That system was totally divorced from the Styles system of the
word processor, and it continues to be that way all the way to the present.

There are character styles, but they're defined inside the Formula component,
and it's nothing like the styles feature in the rest of the Writer. And I'm not
sure where the default/preferred styles are stored. I think they're stored
somewhere that's system-specific rather than document specific. And it's worse!
If you change the default in Writer, then insert a formula in Presentation, you
get a tiny text formula. The default sizes should depend on the insertion
context, but they don't, or didn't last time I checked.

So, character styles do exist, but the Symbol Catalog ignores them completely.
If you insert a symbol from the Catalog, its font and style are defined by the
symbol catalog alone, and don't change to reflect chosen character styles.

I found that the information in the Symbol Catalog is stored in the LibreOffice
registry. My local machine has
~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu which contains for

oor:name="Name" oor:op="fuse"><value>OpenSymbol</value></prop></item>

and I suspect that simply changing that might solve my problem. But it's a bad
solution... what happens to my other documents, if I only want to change the
symbol font for a particular document? And how do I force LibreOffice to
re-render all of my equations with the modified symbols?

Thanks for your comment, hope we can find some help from someone.


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