
           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |,
                   |                            |

--- Comment #14 from ---
Sorry to comment on a closed "bug", but this issue is extremely important to me
(and my 150 business users), and it seemingly has become political.  No matter
how many times it is dismissed, many people believe the change in behavior has
severely crippled a feature that has been in use for many, many years.  My
"power" spreadsheet users are very upset at this change.

The original report (by "cunio") is perhaps too simplistic an illustration and
doesn't impart the scope of the problem.  However, the root cause of the issue
that Cunio is exactly the same as what Andrew is saying.

I can supply several examples where it is now impossible to quickly and easily
select large ranges of cells in Calc with this "new" behavior, if necessary. 
here is one such example:

* Create a new spreadsheet.
* Type a list of labels from F20:F25. For the test, you just need a few, but
pretend it were many thousands or even sections with gaps in it too.
* Without inserting data and just using ONLY THE KEYBOARD to navigate, change
the background color of the cells in the empty column next to your data
(G20:G25)  How will you do this easily?

Previous behavior solution:

* Place your cursor on G20.
* Hold <shift> and press left (selects F20:G21)
* Hold <control><shift> and press <Down>  (select F20:G25)
* Hold <shift> and press <Right> (selects F20:F25) <- what we want 
* Change background color

The new behavior would require someone to press the arrow keys thousands of
times, or pressing the page down key hundreds of times, or scrolling forever
with the mouse wheel while holding down <shift>.  The old behavior could solve
the problem with just a few keystrokes.

This change also broke compatibility with previously recorded macros and will
continue to break compatibility with OpenOffice (which does not have this
behavior).  Those macros would have expected the active cell to be at the end
of a selection, not the beginning.

After much research, it is apparent that this issue has been reported many
times and in many different ways.  And quite a few people are upset about the
change and yet we can find really no advantage to the changes that were made. 
People that are not expert spreadsheet users are not going to care either way. 
People coming from Excel are probably not going to care either way, because
they have not lost anything.  But those who are more advanced users who have
spent a decade or more using OpenOffice and now LibreOffice who are suddenly
forced to work around a "broken" behavior are very much going to care.

PS- We tested Gnumeric 1.12 where the cursor action is similar to this change
made in LO and yet, somehow, they are able to get the process right by using an
invisible cell cursor "locator", so they are able to have the "best of both
worlds."  Try it and see...

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