Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 68020
            Blocks: 67930
           Summary: handling of body of cell of table: inconsistent
                    depending on type and style
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: All
          Hardware: All
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: Master
         Component: Writer
        Depends on: 60842, 62147
           Product: LibreOffice

@mstahl: continuation of the saga of bug 60842 and bug 62147.

Tracker bug.

Consider the attached document.

Compare row April Prime and April Secundo.

Why does the second column of April Prime display the office:value,
but in April Secundo the <text:p> child? The only difference between
the two is the order between the <text:variable-set> and the actual
PCDATA (text). Surely that should not make any difference.

I'm surprised that on row April Prime, the second and third column
display differently. Depending on the format, the office:value
attribute or the text:p child are used? I'd expect that to be a bug.
It should *always* take the office:value attribute.

However, in the first three rows, the body may not be always displayed,
but it is always *treated* in some way. In particular, <text:variable-set>
tags are treated. See that variables (foo|bar)Apr(Pri|Sec) as well as
(foo|bar)AugPri are set, and displayed in the page footer:

On the other hand, for cells with office:value-type="string"
(rows August Secundo and August Tertio), as soon as there is
an office:string-value (that is, the second column), the
<text:variable-set> in the body are not evaluated; the variables
fooAug(Sec|Ter) stay at "0". This is what causes bug 67930. In the
absence of an office:string-value, however, the body is displayed
and executed, and the barAug(Sec|Ter) variables do get set.

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