--- Comment #2 from ---
Created attachment 85171
PDF of what the document looks like before saving - different footers on page 1
and 2

I can also confirm with (Linux) and have some additional information.  

It seems like the footer is affected by the header settings.  If you also add a
header with separate odd/even pages, then the different footers are retained. 
If you delete the header, or set the header back to "same content left/right",
then the footer is also affected (immediately) - the even/left footer is
replaced by the odd/right one.  Even though you can still separately modify
odd/even footers, the changes are not retained when the document is closed and
reopened.  (Well, not visibly in LO 4.1 anyway.  4.0 will read the document
just fine.)

Other observations:
1.)  If you immediately set the page style to mirrored (before saving? before
defining the footers?), then it is not a problem.  The problem is seen if page
style is first defined with "right and left" and then switched to "mirrored".

2.)  This does not happen if you save in .DOC format.   The problem is seen
with .ODT and .DOCX

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