--- Comment #7 from Alexandr <> ---
The bug seems to be similar to bug 70395 which describes the same problem with
gif exporting.

When I try to export picture from libreoffice draw to GIF I can not get more
size than 595x841 pixels. 

Steps to reproduce:
1. Run libreoffice draw
2. click File->Export
3. Select GIF file type
4. Press Save button
5. In window "Options" set width more than 595 pixels, set "Save tranparency"
on and press OK.

Current behavior:
The created file has a size of 595x841 pixels. 

Expected behavior:
The file should have a size which was set in "Options" dialogue.

I have tried it in libreoffice 4.0.3 and in Windows 7 and libreoffice
4.1.0-5~bpo70+3 from debian backports with the same result.

When "Save tranparency" is off everything is OK

The same problem is with png format.

Exporting to BMP or JPEG is correct.

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