--- Comment #39 from Olaf Ahrens <> ---
(In reply to comment #38)
> I think that fix for bug 56007 also fixes this one. Underperforming zip
> operations affect the indexer, too. Can you please check it in latest
> master? 
> Don't forget the WRITE_REGISTRY=1 property:
> msiexec /i
> master~2013-10-16_01.30.44_LibreOfficeDev_4.2.0.0.alpha0_Win_x86.msi

Hallo Andras

Thanks for your immediately and really helpful reply. I've tested version now in behalf of its behavior in Windows search. 

First: the indexing works like a charm! My computer stays responsive all the
time and Windows didn't receive any error events in this time from search

Second: to evaluate the search results was a little bit strange because of some
words are found, others not. According to my previous post I'm now sure that
this is not a problem with German umlauts. It's just that some documents are
not indexed! But which documents are not indexed? All of the tested documents
belongs to a serie of 11 older .odt-documents linked in one .odm (OpenDocument
Master Document). One of them seems to be fully indexed, the other 10 not at
all. I've found 1 difference between the indexed document and the not indexed
documents: all of them are heavily referenced to each other. But the one
document which is indexed only contains internal references, whereas the other
- not indexed - documents all do contain internal and EXTERNAL references
(links to other documents of this serie). So, when I do open one of them
directly, these external references seem to be broken. But when I work with
these documents inside the master document all these links are correct. I think
that the indexing is stumbled across these external references. Is it possible?
Should it be corrected?

Third: may I use the indexing dll's with version or do I have
to expect serious side-effects?

Fourth: I don't understand the connection between the indexing problem and the
problem with explorer shell extension. And what did you meen with mentioning
'Underperforming zip operations'?

Conclusion: who ever did this work is my hero of the day! He/she/they resolved
a problem existing for over one year. This solution nearly works perfect for me
and I'm hopeful that the minor problems will be also resolved in near future.

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