--- Comment #26 from ---
Created attachment 88654
Stand-alone crash demonstration

I have now managed to replicate at least one case where BASE crashes.  The
attached self-contained odb demonstrates this.

Open the ODB.

Open Form 'Table1'.  This shows records from Table 1 (Id1..) with a subform
containing records from Table2 (Id2..)

Place the cursor on field Id2 in the subform.

Hit the 'new record' forward arrow (below) to create a new subform record.

Hit the 'Set' Button

An error message is displayed that Data2 is blank (it is mandatory).  Press OK
and it crashes.

The only code is run when the 'Set' button is pressed.  This opens Form
Brings it to the front, sets a value in field Id3 in the subform record (which
is a link to table Table3) brings the Table1 Form to the front and closes form

It may be that an even simpler demo is possible, but I am hoping this is simple
enough for someone to trace the fault.

I'd be most grateful if someone could tell me whether they can replicate the
fault using this demo.

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