--- Comment #5 from M Welinder <> ---
Guys, stop defending what LO currently does.  It's just plain silly.
Take a look at this...

...from which we learn:

1. Enter =COMBIN(1e15,1e15-1) and LO will hang for ages.  For slightly
   higher numbers "k--;" won't change the value of k, so that will be
   an infinite loop.

2. Whoever wrote this didn't know the basics of combinatorics.  Notably
   COMBIN(n,k) = COMBIN(n,n-k).  I.e, for efficiency, replace k by n-k
   if the latter is smaller.

3. The code is doing the divisions in the wrong order.  Here's what it does
   for COMBIN(15,6):

        6* 5* 4* 3* 2* 1

   (as (15/6) * (14/5) * ... * (10/1) -- note the parentheses.  Some of
   these fractions have rounding errors.)  Other than the wrong order of
   operations, that's not too bad way to compute this.  However, it
   should have been doing

        1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6

   (as 15/1*14/2*13/3...*10/6 -- note the lack of parentheses, so the
   multiplication comes before the division in each step.)

   Doing things this way means that all numbers stay integers.  There
   will not be any rounding errors unless the final answer is (much)
   more than 2^53.  In the C(15,6)=C(15,9) case, all numbers would fit
   comfortably in a 16-bit integer.

   To prevent a hang for C(2^53,2^52), one should check for overflow.

But again, COMBIN is a sideshow here.  The real issue is the lack of on
honest subtraction.

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