
           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Priority|medium                      |high
            Summary|FORMATTING: Turning on and  |FORMATTING: Toggling off
                   |of direct Bold or Italic in |bold/italic does not turn
                   |one paragraph, changes that |it off, but instead applies
                   |attribute in the next       |no-bold/no-italic. This
                   |paragraph, when the style   |messes up any style
                   |there does have Bold or     |afterwards that has
                   |Italic                      |bold/italic in it (until
                   |                            |Clear Direct Formatting is
                   |                            |used).

--- Comment #3 from ---
I'm having this problem with italics.

The problem seems to be that toggling italics off (or bold, or underline) with
the toolbar button or Ctrl+I (or B, or U) does not turn off italics direct
formatting but rather *applies* "no italics" direct formatting for new text
typed from that point forwards (existing text is not affected). Ever afterwards
when typing new text this no-italics direct formatting layers on top of styles
until Clear Direct Formatting is used. So if at any point after toggling
italics off a style with italics built in is used, the italics in the style
won't appear because no-italics direct formatting is layered over top.

This is definitely not the correct behaviour, and not the way any other word
processor does it. Toggling direct formatting off should simply turn it off,
not apply no-italics heading forward.

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