--- Comment #3 from ---
As I've left ubuntu and have a debian installation now, all versions have
changed thus making it impossible to reproduce the exact situation. I could
easily reproduce the error withe the above mentioned configuration and version,
but now things have changed. I do not use a recent version and cannot install
one under debian wheezy.

However, here's what I still can do for you:

1. Table description:

mysql> describe items;
| Field        | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| itemcode     | varchar(10)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| description  | varchar(256) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| eurprice     | decimal(9,4) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| unit         | varchar(10)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| taxcode      | int(11)      | NO   |     | 1       |       |
| invoiceGroup | varchar(40)  | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| maxunits     | decimal(9,4) | NO   |     | 0.0000  |       |

mysql> select * from items;
| itemcode | description      | eurprice | unit  | taxcode | invoiceGroup     |
maxunits |
| flt      | flight ticket    |   0.0000 | doc   |       1 | travelling costs |
  0.0000 |
| who      | Webhosting       |   8.6000 | mon   |       1 |                  |
  0.0000 |
| oed      | other efforts    |   0.0000 | doc   |       1 | other efforts    |
  0.0000 |
| wbv      | webconsult       |   8.6000 | mon   |       1 |                  |
  0.0000 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2. Database is mysql as already described in my first post. 
3. I am using openoffice basic to access the database (as already described in
my first post. ...)
4. This is how I connect:

gDatabaseContext = createUnoService("")
    gDataSource = gDatabaseContext.getByName("mydatabase")

    If Not gDataSource.IsPasswordRequired Then
       gConnection = gDataSource.GetConnection("","")
       gInteractionHandler =
       ' msgbox gInteractionHandler.dbg_properties     ' 
       gConnection = gDataSource.ConnectWithCompletion(gInteractionHandler)
    End If

The connection is configured in a 'mydatabase.odb' file. I think it's an odbc

5. The oo-basic statements I used are, guess what, - already described in my
first post.
5. Operating system is linux.
6. Frontend is oo-calc (libreoffice)

Ok, my request is now 9 months old. I tried to live with that for some weeks,
but than I downgraded as described above in my first post. Now, under debian,  
I am using LibreOffice, Build-ID: 350m1(Build:2), were everything is

Somehwat late to remember all the details.

Hope I could help.

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