--- Comment #2 from Andreas <> ---
Thank you Dominique for dealing with the bug. Your comments were helpful, and
it seems that I have found the solution of the descriped strange behavior.

Briefly said: the error occurs because of merging user defined templates with
system defined templates based on identical display names of the templates.

Let me explain:
In OpenOffice (4.0.1) there are system defined templates called "List", "List
1", "List 2" etc. Their display names in German are "Liste", "Aufzählung 1",
"Aufzählung 2" etc.. In addition to these templates there are user defined 
paragraph templates "Liste 1", "Liste 2" etc. in my OpenOffice document.
Now in LibreOffice (4.1.4) the Programmers have renamed the display names of
the templates "List 1", "List 2" etc. from "Aufzählung 1", "Aufzählung 2" etc.
to "Liste 1", "Liste 2" etc.. As these new names are identical to the names of
my user defined templates, the whole thing resulted in merging the old (system
defined) „Aufzählung 1/ 2/ etc.“ templates with the old (user defined) „Liste
1/ 2/ etc.“ templates.

I have tested this theory by changing the names of the user defined templates
"Liste 1" (etc.) to "Liste 1 User" (etc.) under OpenOffice 4.0.1, and found the
"Liste 1" paragraph (called "Aufzählung 1" by OpenOffice) under LibreOffice

Strange to me is that LibreOffice seems not to focus on the real names but on
the display names when doing the conversion. Moreover this conversion doesn't
differ between system defined and user defined templates.

But most of all I wonder that there is any conversion at all! A document is
meant to be something steady. That means for example that a document should not
change its shape and structure when loading it to a different program. But in
the descripted case it isn't a different program but simply a different version
of the same program!

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