--- Comment #5 from Olivier Diotte <> ---
(In reply to comment #3)
> - Upper whisker (upper horiz. thin line == maximum)
> - 3rd quartile (top of box / bar)
> - Median (thick line across box / bar)
> - 1st quartile (bottom of box / bar)
> - Lower whisker (lower horiz. thin line == minimum)

It should be noted that the whiskers are not always the maximum and minimum,
but rather something like 1.5[1] the IQR (Inter Quartile Range). One of the
most useful features of a box plot is that it allows you to see if there are
extreme values.

[1] I say "something like" because there are apparently a few different styles.
Another is 2 times the IQR IIRC.

To be exact, here's how my math book does one:

      Li   Q1______Md_____Q3       Ls
x x x |-----[______|______|--------|     x x

Where: 'x' are extreme values
IQR = Q3 - Q1
Li = max{minimum value, Q1 - 1.5 * IQR}
Ls = min{maximum value, Q3 + 1.5 * IQR}
Extreme values are those that are x such that x < Li or Ls < x

I do not know exactly which of these rules vary (I only know the "1.5" can).

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