--- Comment #2 from Chip Eastham <> 2012-02-07 10:18:21 PST 
Here are steps that precisely reproduced the problem for me today:

1.  Googling for "white pages" I pulled up this site:

and did a search with my own name.  It should open a page with formatted text
for name, phone number and address (street and city/zipcode).  I selected those
lines (ctrl-C), which form a sort of column along the left side of the Web

2.  Using LibreOffice 3.4 icon on my Windows7 start menu, I opened a dialog box
that lets me create a new LO spreadsheet (Calc).  I did not save or name the
spreadsheet or any "sheets" within the default spreadsheet that opens.

3.  I pasted the copied text (see step 1.) into the first cell of the
spreadsheet.  The contents actually parse out into cells A1:A4.

4.  Cell A1 grows awfully large due to the font size being used.  I change font
size down (from 22) to 12, leaving the font for that cell as Times New Roman. 
I stretch cell A1 to the right so that the width is enough to display contents.

5.  I then apply a Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V cut-and-paste to each of cells A2:A4 in turn
(one by one), copying the "column A" entries into "first row" entries B1:D1, 
the phone number, the street address, and the city/state/zip.  I stretch the
widths as needed for these three columns as I go.

6.  I now go back to step 1, copying again exactly the same name, phone number,
and address information as before.

7.  I paste that copied selection into cell A2, basically repeating the step 3.
except beginning now in the second row of the (already open) spreadsheet.  The
selection parses out into cells A2:A5

8.  I repeat step 4. reducing the Times New Roman font size down to 12. 
However it is not necessary to change the cell width this time around.

9.  I repeat step 5. moving contents of cells A3:A5 one at a time to cells
B2:D2.  Again there is no need to change cell width because that was
accomodated previously.

10. When the attempt is made to move cell A4, the cutting of the contents
(ctrl-X) appears to work correctly.  However upon trying to paste that street
address (ctrl-V) into cell C2, the application freezes, with the mouse changing
to a swirling "wait/operation in progress" form.  The LibreOffice Calc
application remains frozen so long as I've cared to wait, unable to close by
menu or button actions.

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