Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 83955
            Blocks: 83946
           Summary: TRACK CHANGES: Customizing the changes toolbar
          Severity: enhancement
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: All
          Hardware: Other
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: unspecified
         Component: Writer
           Product: LibreOffice

Created attachment 106396
modified changes.xml

As a continuation of the work joel made in bug 47677, I would like to further
improve on the changes toolbar. Below are the steps i took in order to achieve
the final customization results.

Step 1: Addition of missing buttons
Two very important buttons were missing from the toolbar - Next Change
(.uno:NextTrackedChange) and Previous Change (.uno:PreviousTrackedChange) - and
Zeki suggested the addition of Compare Document (.uno:CompareDocuments) and
Merge Document (.uno:MergeDocuments).

Step 2: Hiding of confusing buttons
There are two buttons labeled comment - one is a track change comment
(.uno:CommentChangeTracking) and the second is the standard comment
(.uno:InsertAnnotation). As the toolbar is for track changes, the standard
comment should be hidden in this toolbar to eliminate confusion (also the
standard comment will likely be coming to the standard toolbar - bug 83118).

Step 3: Set toolbar to 'Icons & Text'
A combination of icons and short labels are useful for this few entry floating
toolbar. Possibly when new unique icons can be create for these buttons, maybe
the labels wont be as important.

Step 4: Shortening text names
Here are single word text labels for the various multi word buttons

Protect - .uno:ProtectTraceChangeMode
Previous - .uno:PreviousTrackedChange
Next - .uno:NextTrackedChange
Accept - .uno:AcceptTracedChange
Reject - .uno:RejectTracedChange
Dialog - .uno:AcceptTrackedChanges
Compare - .uno:CompareDocuments
Merge - .uno:MergeDocuments

Step 5: Addition of uno icons
Until there are custom created buttons for these icons, here are useful icons i
was able to get from the current uno icon set

.uno:ShowTrackedChanges - .uno:AddWatch
.uno:TrackChanges - .uno:RecSave
.uno:PreviousTrackedChange - .uno:ScrollToPrevious
.uno:NextTrackedChange - .uno:ScrollToNext
.uno:AcceptTracedChange - .uno:ZoomPlus
.uno:RejectTracedChange - .uno:ZoomMinus
.uno:ProtectTraceChangeMode - .uno:ChainFrames
.uno:CommentChangeTracking - .uno:EditDoc
.uno:AcceptTrackedChanges - .uno:InsertObjectFloatingFrame


I've included in the attached file, my modified xml toolbar file, as the
buttons were reorganized to better suit the new buttons added. Compare and
Merge Documents were left as hidden by default for users to enable if they so

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