--- Comment #10 from Owen Genat <> ---
I am not sure that this report describes a problem LO can solve, for the
reasons indicated in bug 68735. Comparing text as displayed in Writer vs
Firefox is probably not an equal comparison. Here are some more metrics (using
the C program kindly provided by Khaled) to add to those listed in comment two
from that report:

Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro    Ascent = 880, Descent = 120, Leading = 500
MS Mincho            Ascent = 859, Descent = 141, Leading = 0
Microsoft YaHei            Ascent = 1058, Descent = 262, Leading = 0
Noto Sans T Chinese        Ascent = 880, Descent = 120, Leading = 500
PMingLiU            Ascent = 801, Descent = 200, Leading = 198
SimSun                Ascent = 859, Descent = 141, Leading = 141
Source Han Sans            Ascent = 880, Descent = 120, Leading = 500
WenQuanYi Zen Hei        Ascent = 963, Descent = 297, Leading = 90

Liberation Serif        Ascent = 891, Descent = 216, Leading = 43

These are the font versions I queried:

Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro    MacOS 10.6.8 OTF
MS Mincho            MS Office 2000 TTF v2.30
Microsoft YaHei            Windows Vista TTF v5.00
Noto Sans T Chinese        website OTF
PMingLiU            MS Office 2000 TTF v3.00
SimSun                MS Office 2000 TTF v2.10
Source Han Sans            website OTF
WenQuanYi Zen Hei        website TTC v0.9.46

Liberation Serif        LOv4312 TTF v2.00.1

I think the variation in line height being observed is simply the result of
varying metrics. In basic terms, older CJK fonts have a smaller Leading metric,
while newer CJK fonts seem to have greater Leading metric (but other metrics
are probably also influential).

Ruby text does seem to affect line spacing, but this may be a separate issue. I
am unclear about this, which is partly why I raised it above as an open

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